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It was Monday. As me and my friends entered the school we were met by cheers and congratulations. Ah. It felt nice to be on top.

Our first class today was PE and due to one teacher catching a severe case of 'i hate kids' we were joined by a class we usually had nothing to do with. It happened to be Timothy's class. I was glad to see him. Why was unknown to me.

His PE outfit consisted of black sweatpants, omnipresent All Stars and a thick black hoodie with the hood up. And once again there was no chance to see his eyes. Just a grim reaper with a little blonde sticking out of his cap.

We stood on the gleaming, ice cold field. It was a nice frosty morning and I was excited to watch dweebs slip and die.

"Alright, class. Welcome." Our PE coach started. "I'm happy to guide you all into the land of physical exertion."

Most people sighed and looked annoyed. I was alright with it. I had great endurance so this was usually a nice little break from football which was actually strenuous.

"We're joined by another class today. Make them feel welcome. Since we have such a nice variety of people here I think you should all pair up with someone from the other class."

The teacher proceeded to number us and those with the same number had to pair up.

I very discreetly switched with the nerd next to me and was suddenly in a team with emo boy.

"Looks like we're stuck with each other." I said as I approached him.

He said nothing. I smacked his shoulder. "Timothy."

"Huh?" He looked up at me. Wow,  his eyes looked even bluer outside. "Oh. Hey Josh."

He said my name so casually and still it gave me butterflies. I wanted to smack myself.

"We're in a team together." I repeated.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I suck at sports." He said while staring at the frosted grass.

Kinda figured as much. This was gonna be fun.

"Me too." I teased.

"Ha-ha." Timothy walked into the distance where all the other people were. We were supposed to throw the baseball and the other person was supposed to catch it in their mitt. Easy-peasy.

"Get your hands out of your pockets or I'll hit your face!" I yelled.

Timothy did as I said. Though I could barely see his face I knew he was wearing a grimace.

I decided not to go easy on him. Where's the fun in that?

I threw the ball fast and hard (just the way I liked it) and it flew right over Timothy's head.

He glared at me.

I laughed at him. He was pathetic.

"Do you want me to go easy on you, little girl?" I teased.

Timothy just shook his head to himself.

I threw the next ball much slower than before and right when it was in his hands, Timothy dropped it.

"What are you doing!" I started laughing.

"I'm sorry!"

"What, are you allergic to the ball?" I continued to laugh. "You know, that's really ironic. I thought you liked balls.."

Everyone there stared at him and Timothy's already pink skin become even more flushed. He pulled his hood further down.

The next exercise was to hit the ball using the bat. The other person had to catch.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now