Chapter Thirty

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Lucas narrows his eyes suspiciously, looking between Gabriel and I. "That's not an answer." He concludes. "Are you guys dating or are you not?"

Gabriel chuckles, pressing his lips together when I glare at him. I arch an eyebrow and he gives me a look that says it's my decision to make. While it wasn't a very hard decision to make, it was a complicated one.

I shook my head. I'd just have to deal with the consequences later. "Yes, we are. Are you okay with that?" I try to keep my eyes on Lucas because I don't want to see Gabriel's reaction to my words.

Even if he just admitted that he loves me, I can't help the flicker of doubt that it might not be real.


Lucas' excitement has me cocking my head in surprise. "And why are you so happy? You're not the one dating him." I laugh.

"Yeah, but he told me he likes you and isn't sure you like him back. I guess you do after all." He says nonchalantly, walking around the aisle to go meet his new favorite person.

I turn to Gabriel and he looks the other way guiltily. "Gabriel?"

"Yes, ma'am?" He's amused.

"What are you feeding my son with?"

"Nothing but the truth." Lucas raises his hand for a high-five and Gabriel entertains him by returning it, making me shake my head. "We're buddies, isn't that right, Lucas?"

Lucas nods enthusiastically. "Gabriel is my best friend."

"You hear that?" Gabriel grins. "I'm his best friend."

I raise an eyebrow at Lucas and he smiles sheepishly. "You're my best friend too."

It's quite unreal. I never thought I'd ever put myself back out there. I didn't know how to. Lucas' father, Matt, and I met in high school and he did all the courting. Our relationship carried on to college after we found out I was pregnant. Taking care of Lucas was split between both of us but immediately after we were out of college, we realized we were no longer compatible with each other; the high school high had faded long ago and we were just holding on to something that wasn't there.

There was no bad blood when we broke up and I wasn't crazily in love with him, but my priority has always been Lucas. There was no debate on custody. He willingly left Lucas with me but made sure to visit as much as he could.

Shortly after the divorce, he got in an accident. It was hard on both Lucas and I and it sucked that Lucas had to lose his father at such a young age. I had to be his mother and father and didn't have much time to go on dates.

More so, it was very hard to go back to dating. I tried one date and it was absolute shit, so I gave up. I had only known one man in my life. I didn't know how to get close to someone else. I didn't know how to be vulnerable with anyone other than Matt.

Gabriel wasn't planned. Hell, I never expected someone like him to come into my life; into my son's life, but he found a way to wiggle himself in.

Lucas liked him as much as I did, if not more, and it wasn't surprising. Gabriel was a great man. I may have said this too many times, but he is incredibly rare. He's generous, selfless, and has a lot of love to give.

He is also smart because if he had straight up asked for a date when we first met, we wouldn't be here today. He knows Lucas comes first and he made sure to win Lucas' heart first before confessing how he feels to me.

I can see myself being with him in the long run, but that's not something I'm willing to admit just yet.

"Now that I'm your boyfriend," Gabriel's words interrupt my thoughts. I chuckle, wanting to hide the fact that I was a bit flustered by the fact that he addressed himself as my boyfriend. "Does this mean I can spoil Lucas now?"

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