Chapter Nineteen

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I'm tucking Lucas in when I hear a loud knock on the front door. I sigh, knowing it's going to be a long night.

"Sleep tight." I kiss Lucas' forehead and as I'm about to leave him, he holds my wrist. I look down at him, a question in my eyes.

"I'm not gonna be able to sleep, am I? I heard you and aunt Heather. You're having a girl's night, aren't you?"

"Yes, well, try to sleep anyway. We won't be loud."

I don't believe myself and I know Lucas doesn't as well, but he doesn't argue. Instead, he bids me goodnight and closes his eyes, hoping to sleep. It's only eight, and although we all have to go to work tomorrow, I know I have reckless friends.

I don't bother to rush to open the door when they keep knocking because I know they'll let themselves in soon and that's proven correct when I walk out of Lucas' room and see all three of them making themselves at home.

Racheal is the first to see me. "We brought wine!"

"You're a lawyer, Racheal. You should know better than to drink on a work night."

"And you should know when to loosen up and have fun." She shoots back, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Heather says you've got some pretty sweet deets for us." Abigail, a data analyst says. "Says you're seeing your new boss?"

"Heather." I groan though I'm not surprised. Heather is known for exaggerating everything to make it sound pleasing.

"What?" She shrugs innocently. "I had to tell them something if I wanted this night to work out."

Abigail, Racheal, and I were roommates back in college in our freshman year, until I got pregnant and moved in with Lucas' father. We remained friends all through college and they sometimes helped with taking care of Lucas and babysitting him when I had to do important stuff at school.

They are still roommates though, even if Abigail is engaged. She plans to move in with her fiance only after they get married. As said, Abigail is a data analyst. Like me, her parents didn't approve of her career choice at first but came to accept it only after she was done studying it and made a name for herself.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'll ever get to speak with my parents again. They don't care to get to know Lucas, which makes reconnecting with them harder. There are times I find myself staring at their contacts, wondering what will happen if I just tap on them. Will they be willing to talk to me? Or will they dismiss me because I refused to obey them all those years ago?

Racheal, on the other hand, isn't from an influential home like us, but her family supported and encouraged her, even if they had a strong hate for lawyers in general. Racheal promised to be a good one and she'd been keeping to the promise so far. We needed more people like her to be honest. She goes through a relationship every three months, but currently, she is single, which is probably why my love life interests her so much if you can even call it that.

Heather puts out all the snacks they brought on their way here and immediately after putting on Friends, they abandon the show and face me instead.

"So what's the deal with this hottie?" Racheal asks. "Heather showed me a picture and all I can say is that he is fine as fuck."

I glare at Heather and she looks away sheepishly. "I don't know, okay? It's actually kind of confusing."

"How so?" Abby is the one to ask this time. "He bought Lucas books. Doesn't that mean he is interested in you?"

"Hell, how did you guys even meet? I thought in such a big organization as that, it's rare to meet the CEO?" Racheal inputs, putting a Pringle in her mouth.

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