30 | H O T C H N E R

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"What do you mean missing?" Hotch's voice drops

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"What do you mean missing?" Hotch's voice drops.

"She had gone to the café on the corner to get a round of coffee for you guys and a sandwich, I got a message from her saying blackbird which is her code name for hacking. I checked her location to see where she was and why she messaged me that. Her phone was in a trash Sir."

"Did you hack the cameras, see where she went?" Derek asks.

"Yeah...I did.... She was with a guy....he knew how to hide from the cameras I couldn't get a facial ID. They go through the crowd and then I lose them"

"They must have changed clothes" Rossi speaks ups.

"This could be Foyet...we are to close to him.....took Bailee as leverage" JJ states.

Hotch thought his heart stopped beating, his daughter is missing because of his choices, his decisions. Clearing his throat "anything on the drugs?"

"Before Bailee left, she found a thyroid medication that has no substitute over the counter. You've got to get it from a pharmacist, but a lot of people are on it."

"Find the midpoint between the two cities and isolate names in a 25-mile radius." Rossi says.

"153 names"

"We need to find him!." Hotch states.

"He's not going to use his own name." Derek was still filled with anger finding out about Hotch being Bailee's father he deserve a lot more than a slap he thought.

"What kind of aliases should we be looking for?" Garcia asks.

"He could have easily stolen someone's identity." Prentiss says.

"No. He's a narcissist in love with his own mythology. He'd use a name connected with a case"

"A victim? Maybe? A cop?" Rossi questions.

Okay, I'll check the Foyet files for a list of names and....nothing" Garcia says.

"Wait a minute. Guys, Foyet likes things to have meaning to him.  The eye of providence the addresses in blood he wrote on the bus that led us back to him. What if he's doing the same thing with the alias?" Reid says.

"Like an anagram or something?" Prentiss says.

"You see something, Reid?" Derek asks.

"Not yet"

"He named himself the reaper."

"Peter Rhea."

"There's a peter Rhea in Arlington."

"Bailee could be there"

"Let's go"

Bailee was extremely confused when she woke up. Trying to remember what happened was sort of a blur. After blinking a few times things started to piece together, going to the café get coffee for the team, walking out of the café, being blocked by a guy.

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