21 | D O N E

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Whispers could be heard in the distance, Bailee felt exhausted in pain, and her full body ached, trying to open her eyes she groaned at how bright the lights were, confusing her the lights in her apartment weren't this bright they were very dull

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Whispers could be heard in the distance, Bailee felt exhausted in pain, and her full body ached, trying to open her eyes she groaned at how bright the lights were, confusing her the lights in her apartment weren't this bright they were very dull. The whispers had gotten louder a mixture of voices speaking over the top of each other. When she opens her eyes again, the lights weren't as bright. Her vision was blurry at first blinking, it slowly went back to normal. Looking at her surrounding, her confusion grew, she was not in her own bed. A heart monitor on her left. Iv drip in her hand. Hearing gasps she turns to see the team with reassurance smiles on their faces. Turning to her right she saw Hotch in another hospital bed asleep. Furrow her eyes brows.

"Did the witch bitch come back?"

"Oh, mini baby girl" Derek walks towards Bailee sitting down in the chair next to her.

"I'm guessing my bad luck is back huh?" Bailee tries to ease the tension in the room, which does the trick as they all start chuckling.

"You are living with me from now on" Derek orders, "I have a spare bedroom I'm not leaving you alone again"

"Assuming I don't have a choice" Derek nods his head "Damm right you don't."

"Bailee, do you remember what happened?" Rossi asks, with his conversation before about her being Hotch's daughter he wants to know if Foyet had said anything about the topic to her.

"Umm, maybe not leaving my door unlocked from now on?" She smiles sheepishly.

"Not your smartest move" Prentiss states.

"Do you know who it was?" Rossi asks causing Bailee's smile to drop "Foyet"

"Hey. You're all right, we're here now" Derek assures the young girl.

"So is he coming after the whole team now," Garcia asks going over and hugging her little hacker.

Bailee shakes her head "I don't think so" Rossi raises his eyebrows "How come?"

"He kept saying that my name was Daisy, must have gotten me mixed up with another girl?" No one saw Rossi's expression change for a second before it went back to normal.

"That's strange, he's always been two steps ahead, he doesn't make mistakes, he's actions are calculated" Reid explains.

"Maybe that's why he made a mistake, this Daisy girl might be his weakness, made him vulnerable he lost his control when he saw Bailee who looks like her maybe?" JJ says.

"Well, whoever this Daisy chick I hope she's far away from him" Bailee holds her stomach feeling the aching pain increase slightly.

"How long till I can leave this place" Bailee had many hospital trips with foster families she never liked being there too many past memories.

"You've been asleep for a couple of days, maybe tonight you'll be able to be discharged" Rossi explains.

"What happened to sleep beauty over there" Bailee points to a sleeping Hotch.

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