Arrivée à Paris

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After a nice flight ended with a landing at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport, Tessa made it through luggage retrieval before breezing through customs and money exchange, impressing everyone with her knowledge of French. Little did they know that she had been practicing her French for years, complete with brushing up on things thanks to an on-flight game, so she passed customs with ease before making it outside. With her suitcase in one hand and her satchel in her other, as well as her purse strapped across her body with her new teddy bear peeking out, she looked around in awe before hailing a taxi.

"Où vas-tu, mademoiselle?" ("Where are you going, miss?") The brunette taxi driver asked Tessa after the window was rolled down, to which Tessa nodded politely and cleared her throat.

"Uh... L'Hôtel Mistral, s'il vous plaît." 

The taxi driver nodded before an airport worker helped Tessa load her belongings into the trunk, and Tessa tipped the worker before climbing into the cab and thanking the woman for her help already. While making small talk with the driver, during which Tessa admitted that she was an American before the driver revealed herself to be a Canadian, the two of them started talking like they were old friends. Every so often on the thirty-minute drive, Tessa looked out the window and marveled at the surrounding sights, and the cab driver smiled at how excited her passenger was.

Once they reached the hotel, Tessa was getting her belongings out of the trunk when a hotel worker grabbed a luggage cart for her, and she paid the cab driver before tipping the attendant for his help. After the driver told her to enjoy her trip, Tessa waved as the cab drove away before taking the cart into the hotel and paying for her stay, after which she got her room key and went to her room. Tessa thought her occasional naps on the plane were enough to prevent jet lag, but as soon as she unpacked everything in her room and laid on the bed to relax, she soon found herself awake around 9:30 the next morning. As soon as she changed out of her old clothes, she headed to the cafeteria and had breakfast before packing her purse with essentials, even slipping in her teddy bear before heading outside for the day.

After stopping at an ATM and getting a small amount of money for the day, Tessa was wondering where to go when she saw a Metro station nearby, and she decided to go to the Eiffel Tower first. Glad that she was wearing her best walking shoes, she went to the Metro station and went down the stairs before paying for her fare. After finding the correct boarding station, she was so awestruck by everything that she didn't notice the posters in the terminal, but that could be blamed on the fact that she was new to riding the Metro. With one hand on her purse that she flipped over to hide the wallet section, a tip she learned from both her mother and her grandmother, she boarded the Metro before letting other people take the seats.

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