Tessa's Travel

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This was it, the day that she had been waiting for: Theresa Parker – better known as "Tessa" – was ready for her big trip to France. Tessa had been a fan of French things since she was a little girl, thanks to the stories her mother would share about her own trips to France, so this was something she had dreamed of for years. She was planning to visit several tourist attractions, hopping from hotel to hotel along the way, all while making sure she didn't spend all her money in one spot. The strange thing about all of this was that Tessa had never taken such a big trip on her own before, so the fact that she was going to France alone was both exciting and surprising.  

After making sure that she had everything packed, ranging from essentials to fun stuff like her writing supplies, Tessa loaded her things into the back of her family's van before climbing in and riding off to the airport. When they got to the airport, she made sure to get everything out of the car before her parents - her mother Leslie and her father Bartholemew - followed her inside, where they stopped before the baggage check station to say their goodbyes to their daughter. Since Tessa would be away for a while, tears were shed as Tessa promised to call them every month with updates, and her parents agreed before they gave her a gift and told her to open it there and then.

A little nervous about what could be inside the bag, mainly hoping that it wouldn't be confiscated by security, Tessa opened the bag before gasping when she saw a miniature teddy bear in a pink sweater with a beret. Her mother told her about how Tessa's grandmother Estelle made two French teddy bears: one for Leslie and one for Tessa. After thanking her mother and exchanging a final hug and kiss with each of her parents, Tessa said goodbye to them before passing through security, complete with the staff letting her hold her new gift through the metal-detecting x-ray machine. After getting her shoes back on and gathering all her belongings, Tessa made her way to her gate before waiting for boarding, which is when she saw a text come in on her phone from her mother.

"Hi, Sweetie. Stay safe on your flight to France. Wonder if you'll find some cute boys while you're there! Love you. Mom and Dad."

With a bit of a chuckle, Tessa remembered her mother's stories of seeing all the cute boys when she was in France with Grandma Estelle, but she doubted such a thing would happen to her. Besides, she would be too focused on the sights and tourist attractions to notice any men...or so she thought.

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