Chapter 25

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"You have to take Harry out today" - Severus said the next morning. He had to have a talk with Draco that morning regarding his behaviors, and he needed Harry to be somewhere else to make sure they would not be overheard.

"That won't be a problem to me" - Albus said cheerfully. He was going to enjoy all the time he had with his precious future grandson.

"I'll wake him up" - Severus said and walked upstairs.

He walked into Harry's room and saw the boy lying on his stomach, curling up. After hearing about the possible meaning of that pose from Mark, Severus hoped that one day Harry would feel safe and comfortable enough to lie straight.

He gently rubbed the boy's back, very slowly at first since Harry flinched.

"Harry, it's time to wake up"

The boy stirred and opened his eye, but he only scooted to the edge of the bed where Severus kneeled next to it and curled up again. Severus placed his hands under the boy's arms and sat him up, but Harry immediately latched on Severus and rested his head on the man's chest. Severus stared at the little boy. Well, this is an improvement. He picked the boy up and started walking down to the kitchen.

"If you're not going to wake up for me then I'll leave the job for your sugar-high headmaster, Mister"

Albus smiled fondly when his son came down with his charge in his arms, apparently still asleep. The young man put the child, who whimpered slightly at the loss of contact, in one of the seats and moved to get breakfast. Harry immediately planted his head on the table.

"He'd better be awake when breakfast comes" - Severus said and smirked to himself when he walked to the stove.

Albus grimaced but he supposed he had to get used to it if he wanted Severus to be the boy's permanent guardian.

"Harry, child. Breakfast's nearly here" - the old wizard said softly, rubbing the boy's back.

"Uhm... headmaster?" - Harry mumbled sleepily.

"Yes, Harry. Wake up and eat breakfast. Then we, the two of us, will go out and have fun while the dungeon bat buries himself in the darkness." - Albus grinned.

It had the desired effect, the little head immediately jerked up, and green eyes looked up at him and radiated excitement. Albus felt a sad and painful twinge in his heart and hoped that the pure innocence in those eyes would never disappear despite all Harry had been through.


"Yes, of course!"

"What's professor Snape gonna do?"

"He's going to hang upside down on a tree and waited for some weak, flying creatures to come by so he can hunt and feed himself."

Harry giggled.

"You'd better stop your ridiculousness if you want to be fed, Albus" - Severus said as he walked out with breakfast."

He placed in front of Harry a plate with eggs, sausages, baked beans, bacon, baked tomatoes, and his usual glass of milk and a small vial of nutrition potion. They ate quietly and finished in 30 minutes. Harry wasn't able to finish all of his sausages and bacon, but he did eat some fruits.

"Go get cleaned up and changed, Harry. Then you and the old man can go into town. I'm busy for the morning." - Severus said, knowing Harry still had his full pull-up on.

"'kay" - the boy chirped happily at the thought of having fun with his Headmaster and ran upstairs.

Once Harry was out of earshot, Severus proceeded to give Albus instructions on looking after Harry.

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