Chapter 21

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They came home after lunch, and Severus unshrank the bags of toys and handed them to Harry. The boy stood there awkwardly, not knowing what he was required to do.

"You can unpack them and entertain yourself, Harry" - Severus said, knowing how excited it could be for Harry to be able to play with his own toys for the first time after 10 years of watching others play. And Harry probably didn't dare to just leave and start playing, the boy had been raised that way for Merlin's sake.

Harry's eyes twinkled innocently, which made Severus' heart swell though he wouldn't admit it, and ran into the sitting room. Severus hung up his cloak and robes and walked into the sitting room. The boy had scattered the toys around on the floors, his eyes were twinkling madly as he looked around as if he didn't know what to play with first. Severus sat on the couch nearby and picked up a book, he had thought the boy would play in his room but found that he didn't mind the company. After a while, the boy opened the building blocks pack and started scattering the pieces around. To be honest, Severus believed those are for younger children, but Harry had chosen them, and that was what matters, who was Severus to prevent him from playing with them?

They sat in silence and the only things that could be heard were the turning of Severus' book and the sounds of blocks being placed against another. After 20 minutes, the floo flared softly and an envelope flew to Severus, unnoticed by the little child sitting on the floor with his blocks. The man knew it was coming from Mark, Albus, or Minerva since those are the only ones that had the password to his floo. A look at the words written outside the envelope informed him that it was indeed from his Healer. He put down his book and opened it to reveal a letter, of course!

I had looked through Harry's files. He has missed quite a lot of vaccinations. And I have come up with a list of it, they're on the other piece of parchment. They will be injected in different periods of time. I have grouped the vaccines based on the ingredients so they won't react with each other. That way Harry can receive multiples at a time. I have scheduled an appointment for Harry to receive 3 of them tomorrow, then he would receive 2 more the day after tomorrow. Those 5 can be injected together but I don't want to create any extreme soreness for him. The rest of the vaccines would have to wait for another month or two.
Is that ok with both of you?

Severus picked up the other piece of parchment, where all of the vaccines which Harry needed were written. He cringed at the number of vaccines. It was going to be a tough summer for the boy. He hoped the child didn't have a fear of needles. He was going to tell the boy after dinner.

Harry spent the whole afternoon playing with his new toys. He was very, very happy with them. There is a chance that he would have to give them back when the summer ended and he was no longer his professor's charge, but still, he was grateful that he actually got to play with toys, which have been called HIS, without anyone trying to take them away from him. He didn't even notice it was dinner time until his professor told him to clean up and come into the kitchen.

For dinner, they had chicken spaghetti and sesame broccoli and milk for Harry, of course. Severus had to cringe at the sight of a little boy with his hand and mouth area covered in sauce, though Harry seemed to enjoy every type of pasta.

After dinner, they got back to the sitting room as Severus asked Toppy for some biscuits and tea.

"Harry, can we talk for a bit?"

The boy looked up, instantly looking nervous.

" I in trouble?" - he asked hesitantly as he moved over to where Severus was sitting on the couch.

"Why do you think so?" - the man asked raising an eyebrow.

"Um...'cause I play with the toys.... for too long?" - he asked with teary eyes.

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