Chapter Twenty Eight

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For a disaster that only took twenty minutes it sure did leave a lot of damage behind. Woodcreek had been trying to recover from the havoc left behind by the tornado for days and things were finally starting to get back together. Thanksgiving was finally upon us, a time to be grateful and the whole town was abuzz with excitement. There had been no casualties from the tornado so that was something to be grateful about. Sure there had been a lot of property damage but it was better to be alive in a mess than dead in perfection.

"Sweetheart where is Savannah?"I heard Nathan ask Clara who was watching cartoons in the living room.

"Kitchen."She replied softly and went back to singing along to the Moana theme song.

Nathan always endeavoured to reduce their screen time but the little devil had been making a mess in the kitchen while I tried to make the Thanksgiving feast so I had to find a way to get her out of the kitchen.

"Whoa, are you auditioning for Top Chef and didn't tell me?"Nathan exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen.

"No, why?"I asked looking up at him.

Nathan smiled and motioned to all the food I was making.

"I did go a bit overboard, didn't I?"I asked sheepishly.

"Just a tiny bit."Nathan chuckled pinching his thumb and forefinger together leaving a small space.

"I tried but once I started I couldn't stop."I replied.

"You know it's just us seven right and a couple of the ranch hands. Neither of us have any other family and most of the workers are spending the holiday with their families."Nathan reasoned.

"I know but we can store the left overs."I replied with a shrug.

"Okay milady but don't add any more dishes. You've already made enough to feed a small army."Nathan teased.

"You Lancaster's have big appetites, you'll be surprised when nothing remains."I reasoned.

Nathan just laughed and walked towards me pulling me in for a hug. I was covered in flour but he didn't seem to mind. I stayed in his arms for a couple more minutes until the oven beeped forcing us to pull away.

"No more food."Nathan demanded kissing my forehead.

"I'll try."I grinned at him.

He playfully glared at me snatching an apple on the way out. Finally I was alone again and could focus back on cooking starting with getting the pies I was baking for dessert out of the oven,

A ten year prison sentence had felt like a lifetime that's why when I was released I felt like I had been reborn. It's the reason why everything with the Lancasters felt like firsts especially holidays. We did celebrate holidays in prison but that included a change in the diet and no work, if you asked me that was pretty basic. Getting to experience a real holiday again meant everything to me thus why I always went all out. Life was precious and freedom even more so. I never took the fact that I could now do anything I wanted as long as it was legal forgranted. I was lucky to have been given a second chance in life and I would not waste it but live it to the fullest because every moment mattered.

I looked at the timer on the oven and realized that I had enough time to take a shower before the Turkey was ready. Just to be safe I asked Luke who had joined Clara in the living room to keep checking it for me just incase.

"And don't eat anything, we're all going to sit down together in half an hour, you can eat then."I chided.

"You did not just say that to a growing boy."He scoffed holding his hand over his chest as if I'd offended him.

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