Chapter One

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I shook Leona awake so I could say goodbye before I left. They were letting me out early before everyone else started their day to avoid making a fuss over my release.

"Yoh, old lady, wake up, I'm leaving."I whispered.

Leona fluttered her eyelids open her striking emerald eyes meeting mine.

"Who you calling old lady?"She scolded sitting up.

I grinned and straightened up so she could get out of bed. It was an emotional moment for me to say goodbye to someone who had been by my side for four years but it had to be done.

"Don't get all mopey on me now, I thought you were a gangster."Leona teased.

"I am one, but I'll miss you."I sniffed.

"I'll miss you too kid. Take care of yourself out there and send a letter once you've settled down so I know you're okay."She demanded.

Phonecalls to prison were damn expensive so the cheapest means of communication was letters.

"I sure will, take care too old lady."I replied leaning in for a hug.

We had a couple more sentimental moments before the guard came to get me.

"Don't get too lost in those books now huh."I chuckled picking up the box with all the possessions I'd accumulated over the years.

"It's my only sanctuary so I'll get lost all I want."She demanded.

"Yes ma'am."I grinned leaning over to kiss her cheek.

She cupped my face and pulled me done since I was a couple of inches taller than her.

"Don't let them dim your light, shine bright and be good out there. They can't make you what you aren't."She asserted.

"Yes ma'am."I nodded the tears making a comeback.

"Time to go Savannah."The guard demanded banging his baton against the bars.

Leona kissed my forehead before letting me go. I swiped my tears off with the sleeve of my jumpsuit before walking away from the one person who always had my back.

The guard led me through the hallways so I could begin my release process. I had other friends too in the prison but I'd said goodbye to all of them the previous day. It had been pretty emotional especially for those I'd ever been intimate with but in prison you learnt to move on pretty quickly. At least I wasn't in love with any of them, it made saying goodbye much easier.

Our first stop was for me to change out of my uniform and into some street clothes. I'd tried them on the previous day to make sure that they fit. It was a simple outfit consisting of black sweatpants, a white tshirt, a black and grey flannel shirt and black Vans. It was a pretty cool outfit if you asked me but it made me feel weird. I'd been wearing nothing but jumpsuits for a decade. The guard was also kind enough to give me a rucksack to put all my stuff in so I didn't go around carrying a box.

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