2- Vengeance is mine

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I was right. A walk in the forest and I already feel better. The dark sky, the silent moon, the crickets, I even passed by some drunkards. I wasn't scared of them, I am smart enough to know I can't leave my house unprotected. I sigh...and run my hands through my brown hair. Yes, I am frustrated. In fact I am beyond frustrated. Four years...for four years I've been searching for clues. Searching for anything. I still know nothing of what truly happened. Maybe I won't find anything...not from here at least. Perhaps if I find a werewolf or a vampire that doesn't try to kill me, I could follow them to their world because they certainly do not exist here. This is insane. People are getting married and starting families but I'm bothered about finding a mythological creature. But I know...I know they exist. I know what I saw that night and-

I hear a twig snap and I gasp turning around. I look around the dark woods for any signs of movement. Nothing. I listen closely for any sounds. Leaves rustle and I instantly pull out my pocket knife. I learnt to never be unarmed.

I feel the wind rush past me...it isn't normal. I run towards the direction of the wind, what would I find? A mythological creature? I stop running when I notice a figure...it's blended in with the forest but I see it.

I step towards the figure cautiously. My heartbeat speeds up in anticipation, I want to know who that is. Like it was never there, as soon as I blink the figure disappears. I crinkle my brows. Am I going insane?

"Interesting thing, aren't you?" A smooth voice says from behind me. I was right, I was right about the figure too. I turn around and my eyes meet the icy blue eyes. The man before me towers above me, his raven hair is a little rustled from the wind.

"W-who are you?" I question trying to seem unfazed because I'm not going to lie to myself...my breath was knocked away by this strange man.

"You'll find out soon enough" he mutters with an accent. What does he mean? Before I can say anything else he steps towards me. As soon as he does, I watch his eyes go from icy blue to black with matching black veins around his eyes.

My lips part. I'm not insane.

"You're a vampire" I mutter. He is so...wow. An actual vampire. To say I'm pleased is an understatement. I have been waiting for this my entire life and finally a vampire stands in front of me. A beautiful one too. Not that I care.

I notice him furrow his brows.

"Your heart isn't racing. You're not afraid, human."

"I knew you existed. I knew creatures like you existed." I whisper more to myself than him.

He rolls his eyes. He suddenly looked unamused.

"I know this is insane but-"

Before I get the chance to finish, he swiftly spins me around and presses my back against him with one of his hands over my mouth and the other on my throat, somehow my hands are also trapped in his iron grip. I struggle in his grasp, what is he doing?

"Dagon! Let her go!" Another voice echoes. When this new person steps into view my eyes widen. The same hair...the same damn stubble. It's him. He's the werewolf I saw four years ago. He could be responsible for my parents' death. Why is he here? Is he here for me? Does he want to kill me too?

"- Now... she belongs to me" I only hear the last part of the vampire's statement.

What?! What on earth? I step on his toes forcefully, I feel him stiffen but his hands don't falter. He's strong... exactly like they portrayed in every movie and tv show. And also from my research.

"What is this about? Revenge? Because I killed your guard? Is it revenge you seek?!" The werewolf spits out with venom. The same werewolf that may be responsible for the death of my parents. He was there. He was there hours before everything happened.

The vampire chuckles...it sounds more like a peal of mocking laughter.

"Revenge is beneath me. Accidents, however, will happen" the vampire states.

"Dammit Dagon! This is more than just you and I or some silly feud between our two kingdoms. My people, women, and children could die. Give me the girl"

Me? Does he want me??

"You want the girl? Dead or alive? Decide Caspian, I'm a very impatient man"

I struggle and thrash against him. Anything to free me from the sick vampire who thinks I'm a plaything.

"Dagon-" The werewolf states.

"Dead or alive?"

"Alive," Caspian says in a low voice.

"You need to be a little louder" Dagon mutters. I swear I can feel his smirk.

"I said I want her alive!" The werewolf growls. Who the hell is this vampire?! He's literally making the werewolf dance to his tunes.

"Oh? Get her" The vampire pushes me forward roughly and I fall to the ground with a wince.

What is wrong with him?! He's just man-handling me. Maybe they don't teach vampires to respect females.

I look up just in time to see the werewolf advance towards me with inhuman speed, I shut my eyes bracing myself for whatever is coming. Instead, I'm ripped away from the ground violently.

"Dagon! This isn't a joke!" The werewolf yells.

I'm in the vampire's grip again.

"Let me go!" I yell.

"As you wish" is the last thing I hear before I collide with something hard. Sharp pain surges through me, numbing me and it feels as if I'm being poked with needles at my side, pulling me into darkness before everything goes black finally.


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Love, Rese

It doesn't end well...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz