Haunted Past

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Colt lay in a tub filled with warm water Jessica had poured in for him earlier. He had stayed in there for so long, however, the water had eventually cooled down. The poor man was left sitting there, unsure of whether to stand up and brave the cold or to stay put for a little while longer.

The other reason time had flown by so fast was due to his thoughts. He was thinking of Ezekiel and the last thing he had told him. It was terrifying, knowing someone was capable of such atrocities. Colt found it hard to believe any sane human would even entertain the thought of hurting someone they loved- but then he remembered Ezekiel was no human. Or at least not anymore. Had he really done what he did for power? Was power more important than anything nowadays? People really were selfish and cruel.

Colt played with the bubbles still shielding his body, angrily popping a few as he stood up to finally get dry. He snatched a towel lying to the side and securely fastened it around his waist, aware of a faint, somewhat sad tune beginning to ring in his ears.

The man paused what he was doing, raising a brow as he realized someone was playing the harmonica right outside his bathroom window. Confused yet curious, Colt slowly opened the window and poked his head out to see who was below.

A sigh escaped as he was hit by that damn perfumy smell and he immediately ripped the towel off his body. Without a word, he hovered it over the man's head and dropped it.

Ezekiel stopped playing abruptly, lifting the damp towel that had landed with a small splat on top of his hat. He stood up from the floor, walking away just a bit to see his old friend a little better.

"Keep the noise down. I'm sure my father wouldn't like the newly elected Sheriff disturbing the peace."

"To hell with your father. Come out."

Colt scoffed, narrowing his eyes at the new Sheriff with a shake of his head. He didn't trust him even more now, especially after he confessed to murdering his own cousin. That damn monster must've thought he was stupid.

"I'm going to bed."

Ezekiel glanced around, surveying the area before jumping on the walls of the Townsend estate. Colt would've screamed, but he was too disturbed by how freakishly quick the creature made his way inside his own bathroom. He barely had time to process what the hell had just happened when Ezekiel handed him his towel back.

Colt immediately snatched it, shielding his exposed parts in embarrassment as he protested harshly.

"Y-you have no right to be here!"

"I do, in fact. Ever since you first invited me into your dwellin' I've had the right all along."

Colt let out an angry grumble, pushing him out of the bathroom and into his own bedroom with a series of angry mutters.

"Then keep your damn voice down and tell me what in the living hell you want?"

Ezekiel slowly examined the room as if he was looking at it for the first time. Respectfully, he took off his hat, revealing a nice thick head of hair combed neatly to the back. Colt didn't mean to stare, but he did, only looking away once he noticed the other starting to take his clothes off.

"Woah! Alright now, I invited you inside but that doesn't mean-."

"Relax, friend. This skin gets awfully uncomfortable when I wear it for too long. Considerin' you already know how I look I suggest you get used to this."

Colt didn't want to and started to protest once more until he saw the other's exposed body. He awkwardly averted his gaze, eyes darting around the room in an effort to focus on something else. Unfortunately, his attention returned to Ezekiel, right as he was in the process of pealing the flesh off his back and shoulders. It was truly a strange sight to see, but not as gruesome as he imagined. 

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