A Drunk Man's Vision

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Colt neatly combed his black hair back, making sure every strand was in place before grabbing a nicely brimmed hat from the dresser before him. He secured Ezekiel's handkerchief which he made sure Jessica, the maid, cleaned thoroughly. The young man had plans to return the lawman's item, as it didn't sit right to keep it to himself. He only hoped he didn't find it disgusting.

Once he felt presentable enough and his face was clean shaven, Colt trotted out of his room as he slipped on a simple black coat over his shirt. He slowly descended down the stairs, catching sight of his father seated in his leather chair close to their fireplace. The man was reading through yet another concerning letter that must've arrived, for his face was frozen into an angry scowl. This happened from time to time, where Colt would catch Horley secretly browsing a singular letter in a very serious manner. He once tried to find them in his father's office, but it appeared the older man noticed and ended up just throwing it in the fire.

Once the parent caught wind of his son getting closer, Horley folded the paper back up and tossed it in the fireplace before Colt could catch a glimpse.

"You look awfully dressed up. What's the occasion?"

"Just going for a walk." Colt cleared his throat, stuffing his hand in his pocket where Ezekiel's handkerchief lay hidden. "I'd like some fresh air from time to time and the weather feels pleasant tonight."

Horley nodded, resting his head against his open hand as he reached for a case of cigars with the other. He opened a silver box sitting beside him, pausing for a moment as he casually glanced up at his son. The two made eye contact for a moment before the older one looked away.

"If you start coughing up again get back home. No need to-."

"Worry anyone," Colt finished with a sigh, patting his father's shoulder before exiting the place. He felt like a burden at times- a problem, to be exact. God forbid the lunger infected anyone else.

"To hell with this place," The man grumbled under his breathe, only coming to a halt when he noticed a familiar figure leaning back against a closed-up shop. The strong smell and sudden bright glow in the darkness was familiar, and when their gaze met, he knew exactly who it was.

"Ezekiel. Kind of you not to creep up behind me this time." Colt joked, watching as the man inhaled the smoke he breathed out back into his nostrils.

"I realized I left earlier without discussing a time we should meet."

"Nothin' to it. I surveyed this place while I waited. As any good upstandin' man of the law would."

"Hopefully you didn't wait too long."

Ezekiel smiled, flashing a row of straight teeth under that thin, dark mustache of his. He shook his head, inspecting the cigarette in his fingers before offering it to the other.

Colt had never smoked before, let alone touch a cigarette. He secretly had a desire to try it out, but he didn't think it was such a good idea considering how bad his lungs were getting already.

"I think I'll pass. You said we would get some drinks?"

Ezekiel nodded, motioning for the other to follow as he led them both through Graveflat.

"I hope you don't mind the liberty I took of creatin' our thirst quenchers for this evenin'." The man reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a medium, dark bottle sealed with black wax. Colt had no idea the man brewed his own liquor as well, and his curiosity for the other only increased.

"An officer, a doctor, and now a brewer. Is there anything else you're hiding?" Colt playfully asked, noticing the other was leading him outside town. He was unsure where they were going until Ezekiel pointed to a boulder that overlooked the desert. It was just by the entrance and large enough to fit the two, but would require a little bit of close contact. Somehow that made the man a little nervous.

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