Chapter 38 - December 10, 2016

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"So, are we having a movie night tonight?" Wanda questioned, catching my attention from where I sat on the couch. I bit my lip, eyes flickering to Pietro.

"Yeah, but Pietro wants to come. He said he misses being included" I said, thinking quickly. The silver haired man frowned, about to say something when I kicked him hard in the leg.

"Right, I feel alone."

Wanda frowned, scanning my head for evidence of a lie but unable to find anything. She nodded a little before looking back into the kitchen. "Dinner is ready. You have to clean up."

I nodded, pausing the game screen and standing from the couch, stretching my limbs a bit. Trusting that we would be in soon Wanda left the main room, heading back to the kitchen.

"You can't keep avoiding her."

"It's not avoiding" I huffed, tugging him after me. "I just can't be alone with her Piet."

"Why not tell her you like her?"

"Because what happens if she doesn't feel the same? Then it's awkward and terrible."

"You are quite pathetic" he snickered and I slapped his arm, shooting him a look before we entered the kitchen.

It seemed as though Wanda had made my favorite things for dinner, my heart melting a little at the fact that she remembered. "It looks really good" I gushed, piling food onto my plate. Pietro did the same, sitting next to me at the table. Wanda sat across from me and I was overcome by nerves, forcing myself to focus on my plate and not the woman in front of me.

The task proved too difficult, as my eyes continued to drift up to the witch, my food momentarily forgotten until I pulled myself out of the trance, looking back to the plate.

By the time I had finished my dinner I had focused on Wanda far too many times, and it was clear that she was distracted by me as well, her brow furrowed as she watched me closely.

"I'll clean these quickly and then we can go" I said, taking the three of our plates from the table before heading to the sink.

Through the rush of water from the sink I could hear Pietro and Wanda speaking among themselves but it quieted down as I was finishing up.

In almost an exact copy of what happened a couple days ago I felt a weight against my back. Hands on my hips as a chin rested on my shoulder; a position that seemed far too intimate for friends.

"You're taking too long" Wanda whined slightly and I cleared my throat, nodding.

"I actually just finished. We can go now." I reached forward and turned off the water, displacing Wanda. She took a step back as I turned, avoiding the deep green eyes I always got lost in. She furrowed her brow but nodded, moving so that I could lead the way to my room.

When we got to my room Wanda took her spot on my bed like normal but I dragged Pietro over as well, all three of us squished on the queen sized bed.

"So, what should we watch?" I asked, trying to seem casual as I leaned in to Pietro, my head on his bicep. I didn't miss the sour look shot at me by Wanda.

"What about the one with that character? Harry?" Pietro suggested and I grinned, wriggling a little in excitement.

"Harry Potter" I chirped, quickly navigating to the movie and turning it on. "JARVIS, turn off the lights."

The lights in the room dimmed until the screen was the only thing illuminating the room, the beginning moments of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone playing. I muttered the words of the movie under my breath during my favorite parts, leaning forward ever so slightly to recite my absolute favorite lines.

"Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse; expelled" I said, pausing as Hermione slammed the door before picking up Ron's lines. "She needs to sort out her priorities."

"How many times have you seen this movie?" Pietro questioned once I relaxed, my back against the headboard.

"Too many times. I know way too many lines from all of these movies."

"Clearly" Pietro hummed, causing me to elbow him in the side. I took a look over at Wanda whose eyes were on the screen, although it seemed like she was far away.

Once the movie finished Pietro excused himself, smirking at me before escaping. Wanda and I sat awkwardly for a minute, the credits to the movie rolling before she tentatively asked "do you want me to stay?"

"If you want" I said softly, trying to keep the desire for her to stay out of my voice. I really did want her to stay, but at the same time I knew what would result in it.

Wanda seemed to catch the first part of my thoughts as she nodded a little, snuggling down into the blanket. "Can we watch the second one?"

I blinked in surprise. "You liked it?"

She nodded, looking over to me with big eyes. I grinned happily, my heart warming at the fact that she liked my all time favorite movie. I sectioned off the joy, shoving it into the rapidly growing section of my brain I kept reserved for thoughts of her I only visited while safely away from her.

I snuggled down, scooting closer to her. Her hand found mine, our fingers intertwining. I gave her hand a squeeze, a sigh escaping my lips without my permission.

I had it bad, and I needed these feelings to go away.

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