1.Load of bull

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Okay, so maybe I hacked, stole, and sold information from the US government to some American enemies, so what? Now they're hunting me down?

That's a load of bull.

I just did what I had to do to survive!

I'm human too!

Ugh, Hm this is so annoying!

I hopped over a wall just as bullets sprayed the area.

Shit, that was close!

I gotta get away, these guys are crazy!

"Soap, do you have eyes on the target!?"

"Negative, LT, she hopped the wall!"

"Then hop after her!"

"Already on it!"

"Remember, we want her ALIVE."

Like hell you will. I hurried behind a wall and kept running in whatever direction this is.

"Captain, do you have a visual!?"

I looked up and saw a helicopter fly over so I ran into the broken down building.

I hope they didn't see me.

I found a room and ran to a pile of rubble.

This is gunna hurt if it falls on me.

I began moving piles of concrete until I could squeeze in and hid the opening with more rubble.

Footsteps followed soon after and I heard some guy I didn't hear before. He was talking about not having eyes on the prize and left, but I stayed put.

I'm in no rush.

It was dark.

There was no space for light to come in and oxygen was very limited so I had to be careful.

I stayed out for a few hours before carefully crawling out.

I have to be careful. What if they haven't left yet?

It's dark.

So dark I can see the stars.


Let's see, they started chasing me around 5 pm, sun was out but not Polaris is over there so...it's about three in the morning.

No way they're still here.

Stop that!

Never underestimate the enemy!

I just wanna get to safety man!

I never wanted any of this!

I just did what I had to do!

I always have, and I was making good money too!

Do you know how expensive things are now!?

A taco is 5 dollars alone!

Let's focus on one thing at a time. Just put some distance between you and the area.

I hopped out the window and hurried through the dry grass.

I should get into the trees, not be out in the open like this.

But I feel like I'm being watched.

No, just go, stay low and move fast.

"FUCK!" I threw my head back and screamed before everything went black.

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