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School. It's always been a mystery to me. Sure at the correctional facility there was an education system but I don't really think it'll be the same as a real life actual school.

Saying I'm excited is a big understatement, I'm fucking elated.

I wonder what's it's going to be like, if I'm going to get any friends or not, I heard that there are five cliches to a high school, the popular, the jocks, the nerds, the bad boys and then the normal people.

I just want to not get noticed and find decent friends like River.


I wonder what she's doing right now, probably sleeping like a hibernating bear.

She would freak out at the news of me finally going to school. I remember when I first told her I had been homeschooled all my life, she was so dumbstruck.

She went on to tell me all about how normal school is and how much of a horrible place it is.

But that only made my curiosity for it grow.

Wait, if I'm going to school, don't I need supplies or something?

I instantly run to mom's room to ask her if she's gotten me anything but just as I'm about to knock, I hear hushed whispers coming from inside the room.

And it's not just Mom and dad, it's all of them, I wonder what they're talking about.

I press my ear to the door to hear better and that doesn't really help, the doors in this house are basically soundproof.

Damn it, I wanna know, why aren't I invited into  damn family meeting or whatever it is they're doing in there?

Out of frustration, I kick the door really hard and it makes a sound that announces my presence.

Oh shit.

I turn around to make a run for it but I somehow manage to trip on my own feet and land on my broken arm with a thumb, the pain being so unbearable that I let out an ear splitting scream.

I took off my cast before we left the facility to make sure that my Mom doesn't fuss and the rest of my overbearing family to not get something to call me out on so I took it off and beared the pain.

But this terrible fall is a reminder of how much pain I'm truly in.

I hear footsteps running and before I know it, my whole family is circled around me.

I groan and close my eyes not ready for whatever is about to happen.

"Relic, what happened?" Comes my mom's voice as she kneels beside me and I feel her burning gaze on my broken arm that I'm currently clutching in pain.

"Did you break your arm or something" This time, it's Solace, his voice laced with concern as I feel him kneel besides mom.

I slowly pry my eyes open and to my absolute shock, my dad and all my brothers looks concerned.

They're probably faking it.

Alexi reaches his hand out to touch my arm but I release my grip on my broken arm and quickly swat his away.

But unfortunately, I didn't think that through because a sharp goes up my arm causing me to whimper.

"Just leave me alone, I'll take care of it myself" I go to stand up but accidentally press on my arm again this time, I scream in pain.

This is definitely not my day.

"Alright, I've had enough of this" I'm suddenly scooped up by Solace while  making sure my arm isn't affected.

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