29. Brothers

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Thalias lying on my bed, her back to me, and hood up

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Thalias lying on my bed, her back to me, and hood up. She was in a pretty good mood earlier but ever since she saw Esme, she's been dead silent.

I'm sat at my set up, trying to play some call of duty, but I cannot focus on my game. My heads all over the place.

I walk around the bed to see Tee's eyelids shut. I run into a random cupboard and grab a blanket, getting back into my bedroom I throw the blanket over Tee's limp body.

I decide to leave her in peace so I take a trip downstairs. Before I leave I put my headphones on and press play on my playlist.

I walk down the stairs and go straight to the dimly-lit kitchen. I open the fridge and pour myself a cup of orange juice.

"You alright, son?" My dad asks from the nearby sofa. I did not see him, Jesus Christ.

"Yup." I reply bluntly, I lean on the counter and take a sip of my drink.

My dad looks seriously on edge. A bit worked up about something. "You?"

I think I broke him out of a daydream. "Huh? Sorry, what was that Gio?"

"You alright?"

He sighs a little, "yeah."

Normally, I'd just leave and go back upstairs, but I'm feeling a little different today, so I walk over to where he's sat and pull up a chair from the dining table. Sitting opposite him.

He smiles discreetly at my actions. If I knew it made him that happy, maybe I'd do if more often.

"You look like you have something on your mind. Want to talk about it?" My dad asks, tilting his head slightly.

I take a breath, "I just - I don't know. Somethings up Tee. She was fine before we got home. And then she just saw her foster mum and froze. We went upstairs then she just put her hood up and went to sleep."

He scratches his beard for a second, "yeah, there's definitely more to the story between them. Esmerelda isn't telling the full truth. I can tell."

"Esmerelda called you?" I ask him, confused.

He nods his head, "yeah, said Thalia was missing. Acted real shaken up."

I try and process this newly found information. "Weird. Thalia didn't mention anything. Although, I did find her in a dressing gown with no shoes on." I laugh slightly. "I didn't really question it, it was early in the morning. I grabbed some of my clothes from my room then she changed into them. Then we went out for frozen yogurt. We both kind of hated it."

"I saw her at the pub, not long ago. No shoes and wearing a sheet. Then axel saw her in Will's apartment building, and then Dom saw her in Selfridges."

I breath out a laugh, "what?"

My dad shakes his head, a soft smile on his face too. "Yeah, god knows what she was doing."

A comfortable silence settles between us.

"I was thinking we could do something all together tomorrow, minus Ben, he's heading off to the Maldives." My Dad sates.

"Yeah, yeah. That's be cool. I'm not exactly busy." I joke.

My Dad slaps his thighs lightly and stands up. "It's open invite, Thalia can come, doesn't seem like she wants to be anywhere near Esmerelda. Tell her she can stay as long as she wants. We got plenty of guest rooms." He ruffles my hair before leaving the kitchen.

• the next morning •

It's a struggle to wake up. Bro, I'm exhausted. It takes me some time to get out of bed, and I nearly don't, but when I hear loud laughter coming from beneath me, I get up. But first, I head to my bedroom. I knock on the floor nightly and when there's no answer, I assume Thalias still sleeping.

I grab a hoodie from off my floor and throw it on over my head. I go downstairs and straight into the kitchen, only to be met with several pairs of eyes. Including Thalias.

"Morning." She smiles, seemingly in a better mood then last night.

"Morning." I head for the fridge and grab some Ornage juice, I swear when Tee sees the big bottle of OJ, her face lights up. "Want some?"

She nods, "yeah, please. If that's cool."

I pour us both a glass, I slide it across the kitchen island.

I get a neck slap from one of my brothers, "where was my offer?" Dom asks.

I roll my eyes and mutter "dickhead" under my breath.

I pull out one of the bar stools and take a seat, Thalia follows.

"You sleep good?" I ask her.

She throws her head back slightly, "your bed is so comfy. Jealous."

"Dad said something about going out." Matteo says, looking between us with his palms rested on the marble counter top.

I nod my head, "yeah, don't know what."

"Can we go bowling?" Matt asks.

"Fuck no." Dom chimes in.

"You're just scared." Matteo retorts back smugly.

Nikolai walks into the kitchen, half asleep. "Unbelievable." He mumbles whilst grabbing the box of crunchy nut.

"Morning." A bruised up Axel greets.

"Broooo, what happened to you?"
"Your face, man."
"What the fuck?"
"You look great brother."
We all say at once.

He just ignores us, "oh hey, Thalia."

"Hi!" She smiles.

"You two know each other?" Nik asks dumbfounded.

"We all do. She was at the wedding, idiot. And here the other day with Esmerelda and Peter." Axel replies.

"Yeah, I know that. But you seem friendly than that." Nikolai rolls his eyes.

"We bumped into each other the other day. Axel was heading up to a friends."

"Wills." Axel adds.

Nikolai and Matteo look like the only ones taking the information in. Probably because the rest of us know what happened.

"You gonna come out with us?" Axel asks Thalia, taking an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Uh-" Thalia starts but I cut her off, "yeah, you are."



Updated the aesthetics chapter with actual aesthetics so if u wanna check them out do

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