24. Questions

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Since when was my bed this cozy?

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Since when was my bed this cozy?

I slowly open my eyes, it's not too hard, seeing as the room I'm in is pitch black. Wait. Is it the middle of the night?

I turn onto my side and reach for my phone but...

It's not there. And this isn't my bedside table. And this is definitely not my duvet. This isn't my room.


I scream. I don't think about it, I just do it. I pull the covers over me completely.

A deep chuckle fills the room. "Not that scary, am I?"

It all comes back to me.

yesterday, me escaping. Me having a drink with the Richard Ford. Then BM sort of saving me.

"OhmygodohmygodohmygodOh.my.god." I cover my probably red face with my palms. I am never going to recover from this.

I feel the mattress shift slightly so I know he's sat on the end of the bed. When I lower the covers I'm met with a bright smile. Holy fuckkkk. This man is gorgeous. His smile is perfection. I want him. I really, really want him. Is that bad? That's bad, isn't it.

"I brought you some food, and some orange juice." He says as if that's no big deal, but to me, that is. To me that's sweet and now I just wanna give him a hug and tell him that I appreciate him.

He has won over my heart. I love Orange juice. I would die for it.

"Thankyou." I tell him, deciding against being tricky and refusing.

I go to reach for the glass but he grabs onto my hand and puts it on my lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Yesterday, when I put you in bed I noticed that your arm looked pretty disformed."

"Yeah but-"

"No, buts." And then he picks up the glass of OJ and holds it to my lips, "drink." I feel compelled, so I drink. I have a few sips before he takes the drink away and puts it back onto the tray. "Good girl."

I think I might faint again

I mean, surely I could've just used the other arm.... But I'm nod mad.

"So, you live alone, I'm guessing."


"That's pretty young for a - wait, how old are you?"


"Well, that's pretty young living alone."

He shrugs it off. "I guess."

"Your parents? They wanted that for you?"

"My dad, probably. My mum... doesn't know."

"Are you in college? Or a sixth form?"

"Second year of sixth form," he laughs, "why so many questions?"

I laugh awkwardly, "sorry."

"No, it's okay. Don't worry." He says soothingly.

Consider me: soothed.

"What happened last night?" He asks without breaking eye contact.

I just shrug. "I need to go to the bathroom." And as I take my arms out from under the duvet, I realise I'm in a dressing gown. Not mine though. And how did I not realise this before?

"Wait... who undressed me?"

"Relax. Your sheet dress is still on underneath but you were shivering in your sleep."

"Right. Thanks." I get up off the bed and he leaves the room, telling me to come out after I've gone to the toilet.

As soon as I get into the bathroom, I take a second to look at my reflection. Oh god, I look like I just got in a cat fight. BM's dressing gown is absolutely gigantic on me. It's cozy though, so no hate.

Some of the concealer that was on my face has rubbed off, but luckily, most of it's still on.

I roll up the sleeve of the DG and oh my god, he was right, my arm does look pretty disfigured. Oh well, there's been worse.

I go to the toilet, wash my hands, then go out into the main living area. The layout is pretty simple, but in my opinion, that's good. The kitchen, lounge and dining table are all in the same room, making the apartment feel homey.

BM is... cooking. I love me a man who can cook. He's not looking in my direction but he must be able to sense my presence as he says, "I'm making waffles. Want some?"

I don't answer but instead my feet drag me towards the island. Cant say no to waffles. Even though I feel very sick right now. When good food is being offered, you never say no.

I take a seat on one of the bar stools then rest my chin on one of my palms.

"What topping?" He asks, with his bare back to me. He has a good back. Maybe he's a swimmer.

"I don't mind." I kind of do, but I don't want to be annoying.

"No, for real. I have everything."


He just hums in response.

"So... you have avocado here?" I don't actually like avocado, but I'm just trying to see what he has here.


"Okay, vegan milk?" Im not a vegan, I could never.


"...kidney beans?"


"Okay, what the fuck?"

He laughs, "shoulda believed me."

I roll my eyes even though he can't even see.

"Stop rolling your eyes."

The. Fuck.


I don't get a response. "So, what topping?"

"Golden syrup and strawberries please."

"Coming right up."

Whilst he does his thing, I decide to ask him some more questions. "So you're a vegan?"

"No, I only have it here because my Mums a vegan."

" I thought she didn't know you lived here..."

"She doesn't. But she'll probably find out sooner or later. So I have it here in case."

That's sweet, not going to lie.

"And what, you just like avocado and kidney beans?"

"Avocado is alright, I only have kidney beans for chilli, even though I don't like them."

"Oh my god, I hate kidney beans but I feel like they're apart of the chilli."


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