Chapter 29

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A pair of arms engulfed her, pulled her closer to his chest. She sniffed his shirt and dug her nose deeper into him.

He played with her hair and she moaned demanding more. He continued and she slept peacefully in her arms. But the day had to be started and Jigar's stomach grumbled in protest.

Mehek somehow in the middle of her sleep heard the protest and opened her eyes. She looked at him and chuckled. He smiled and she got out of his arms and went inside the bathroom.

While she got ready he checked the timings for breakfast and thankfully, they still had an hour.

Mehek got out and Jigar went inside to freshen up. She applied makeup and put on some accessories. As soon as he was out, they went downstairs to feed the stomachs.

After having a heavy breakfast they opted to go for the hills. They packed the sweaters in a carry on bag and went outside.

The cool air of the city embraced them and Mehek shivered a bit in the cold. She unwittingly held onto Jigar's arm and kept her head on his shoulder. He smiled and pulled her closer.

The couple walked to the nearby bus station which dropped them to the base point of Matterhorn glaciers. They quickly arranged the tickets and we're now waiting for the gondola.

Matterhorn was the highest peak in Europe and had a journey of three gondola rides

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Matterhorn was the highest peak in Europe and had a journey of three gondola rides.

The couple got down at every station and took an ample number of photographs.

Mehek was a bit nauseous but she thoroughly enjoyed the ride. And finally when the snow filled mountains approached she became a child and Jigar was her guardian.

She pulled him onto the snow filled mountains. They took a lot of pictures, played snow fight and enjoyed the fresh air up above on the mountains.

There was a cafe at that height and as they were cold after almost an hour in the snow, they went there.

" Ahh, this is so warm.", Mehek exclaimed as they entered the cafe.

" True, it is placed at the right place with right facilities." Jigar chuckled.

Mehek nodded, " Should we order something?"

Jigar raised his brows in question demanding her order.

She sighed, " I can't have much milk. It makes me nauseous and we have the ride down the hill. So, order any drink in between us and anything else you feel like."

He nodded and went to order while Mehek picked a table facing the snow covered mountains.

Jigar brought a cup of hot chocolate along with a pizza for them and Mehek smiled bright at him.

He smiled and occupied the seat beside her, entangling his legs with hers.

She gasped but he didn't pay attention to her. He picked up the cup and had a sip and then offered the same to her.

She took the cup and sipped from the same place where he kept his lips looking him in the eye and he bit his lip. The effect she wanted to see was visible as daylight to her.

They both had their food and went back to exploring the mountain. After two more hours on the mountain they decided to head back.

They came back to their room late in the afternoon and Jigar spread on the bed, tired. Mehek freshened up and slipped beside him.

She pushed him down the bed forcing him to freshen up and he begrudingly agreed when she had literally pushed him off the bed.

He freshened up and came outside only to find her in the same place. He slipped beside her and pulled her into his arms. She looked up at him and sniffed the cologne he was wearing.

He pulled her closer and within seconds they were devouring each other's lips.

Mehek had gained a lot of comfort around him, so much so she trusted him with her life. She knew he was an honest man and could go to any lengths for his loved ones.

She kissed him with greater power fighting for dominance and he didn't let her win so easily.

" I really like you, Mehek." Jigar said.

Mehek smiled and pulled him closer. She didn't say anything but her actions proved her thoughts.

" It feels nice to be in your arms.", Jigar teased.

" Oh, really?"

" Yes, it is always me who has to sing,
Baahon me chali aa."

She chuckled, " Baahon? Thank God I have good Hindi knowledge."

He laughed aloud and reversed their places. She was now above him.

" Well good for you. I tend to use a lot of Hindi."

She smiled, " Bring it on."

He asked, " What will you call a tree in Hindi?"

Mehek narrowed her eyes at him, " You are asking such basic questions! Don't underestimate me! Still, you answer is पेड़ !" ( Forgive me if the Hindi spellings are incorrect)

He laughed aloud. " See you didn't say वृक्ष!"

She blushed, " I mean we call trees Paed on day to day basis."

" And that is why you are average in Hindi. You need to learn more of it to pose such challenges with me." Jigar haughtily exclaimed.

She narrowed her eyes thinking was this the same man who fought with her every chance he got and was now gloating his Hindi!

" मै आपसे प्यार करती हु।"

Jigar stopped laughing and stared at her point blank for two whole minutes and finally she cracked.

" See, I got you. My Hindi may be average but I do know how to shut you up!" She shrugged.

Jigar sighed annoyed that she played mischief on this topic.

He loosened his grip and let her go. She gasped and looked at his crestfallen face. He didn't like it and was upset about it, she concluded.

She pulled his chin and made him look at her. His eyes didn't meet hers but she packed his lips and he narrowed his eyes at her.

She leaned forward and whispered into his ears, " હું તમને પ્રેમ કરું છુ! मै आपसे प्यार करती हु। मी तुम्हाला प्रेम करते. I love you!"

He smiled wide and immediately pulled her into his arms. " You are not kidding?"

She shaked her head, " No!"

He kissed her to his hearts fill solidifying the new stage of their relationship.

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