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Lacey Jo Mason

"Lacey! Dinner!"

The boy beside me was the first to look over my shoulder in the direction of my mother's voice. His blond curls blew wildly with a rogue gust of wind that caused our feet to disappear beneath white sand—the same grit that clung to my bare legs, arms, and my favorite yellow dress. We'd been playing in this spot for hours, and this was the first time today he wasn't smiling.

"We didn't finish our castle," he said, looking bummed.

The disappointment was mutual.

Just shy of six, I thought I would make no friends here. Compared to New York City, the communities forming the Hamptons were their own world. The beach was bare, nothing more than a stunning view for the windows of the extravagant homes that lined it. The people who lived inside these places were just as boring, in my initial opinion. Living here was a way to brag about financial status, but money was something new for my parents. My mom insisted on the move, but was rarely home to enjoy this purchase due to work. And even though my dad was now a stay-at-home parent, he had no interest in keeping me entertained, or even staying home. For a week I had played on the beach alone. After following the sound of music, this was the first kid my age I had met. He had danced his way to the beach from the house beside mine—with an iPod, shovel, and pail in hand.

"Lacey Jo!"

This time I turned, spotting my mom waiting on our porch. With one hand shielding her eyes from the sun, the opposite hand was raised in the air to summon me home with a single finger. Looking from me to the boy, she smiled, making me do the same. She was beautiful, and I loved everything about her. We already shared the same long brown hair and blue eyes, but it was intentional that our dresses were the same color, and I envied the large sun hat atop her head, wanting one just like it. She was stunning, and I strived to be like her in every single way I could.

"Can you play later?" I asked, turning back.

"Maybe. If my mom comes home, no."

I assumed this meant no. My mom always came home after work. On the weekends, her work was done from home. But as I watched his frown sink farther, I knew this wasn't the case.

"She never comes home," he muttered.

I hesitated to let him out of my sight, afraid I wouldn't see him again because of a single meal. He had spent the day determined to make me a castle, after all.

"Are you here all summer?" I asked, remaining hopeful he wasn't just vacationing like many others in the area. "I live here now."

His frown disappeared, and his smile returned with an excitement that I knew meant we were neighbors. "We live here all the time! What's your name, pretty girl?"

I blushed. "Lacey Mason. What's yours?"

"Maybe I'll tell you tomorrow," he said playfully, scooping up his belongings. "Bye, Lacey!"

Scrawny, tan legs kicked up sand as he rushed back to his house. After he disappeared behind a pool house, I took time to envy the castle at my feet. It was perfect with a moat and courtyard. He hadn't mastered the towers, but he was determined. However, his hard work would be washed into the Atlantic Ocean by morning.


"I'm coming!"

I gave my dress a final shake before running to the stairs. My mother stood at the top, holding out her hand for me to take. As I did, another breeze mixed the air with fresh saltwater and her lavender perfume. The combination was heavenly.

"Who was that boy?" she asked, peering over my shoulder.

I shrugged. "My boyfriend."

"Your . . . your what?" Mom giggled as she bent to swipe more sand from my legs.

"He's a boy . . ." I said, feeling embarrassed, "and he's my friend . . . I think. So, he's my boyfriend. Right? He wouldn't tell me his name. He's weird, but I like him. He said I was a princess, and he made me a castle!"

"Lacey,"—Mom continued to laugh—"all boys are weird. Don't call him your boyfriend, though. Daddy won't like it. You're not even six. He doesn't want you to have one of those for at least another fifteen years. More like twenty."

"What do I call him, then?"

With a smile, she removed the sun hat from her head and placed it on mine. "He's just a friendly boy, Lace."

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