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Chapter 2


POV: You

Part 1.

I arrive at the doctors office in my Javelina. I step out of the car and look at the fucked building that the doctors office was supposed to be in. I grit my teeth as I hold my displeasure in. I head into the building and up to where the doctors office was.
Walking up to the doctors office I get to the top of the flight of stairs and I find David sitting on a bench dazed with his head bandaged and a bandage on the bridge of his nose. His school uniform was ripped and torn. He sees me with bewilderment.

"Cuz?" He says, questioning what he sees.

"David" I state then crouched down to his level "You alright?"

"Yeah, just hit my head a little hard, that's all" He says, trying to play off his injuries.

"Tell me what happened David?" I ask him.

"Gang drive by....we got caught in the crossfire..." David explains to me.

"Gang drive by? By who, what did the shooters look like?" I question.

"Don't remember exactly... they were in a pink van, a bear decal on the back I think...all happened so fast" David tells me.

"Never heard of a crew like them, must be a small gang that's runnin' around"

I lean in and embrace him with a hug "I'm take care of you two alright. Promised your mom I would if anything ever happened" I say to him.

"Mom's been bustin her ass to try to keep me in that damned Arasaka academy" David says. He's legs and arms started to shake before slamming his fists down onto his knees "If I just listened to mom and got the damn update properly we wouldn't be in this position right now"

"Hey, listen to me David. Can't change the past. Don't burden yourself about what ifs" I tell him.

"(Y/n)?" A man in surgical attire says as he walks out to me and David.

"That's me" I say while standing up.

"Gloria is stable for the most part after the surgery. Had a small complication mid way but she should be good for now" The doc says.

"Can I see her" David says while standing up.

"No can do kid, ain't apart of your plan" The doc says.

"Put them on my plan then. I want her to have the best care I can get her" I say to him.

"That's not how things work" He tells me.

"How do they work then?" I question him.

"Those are things that take days to do and update" He tells me.

"Then do what ever it is in your power to make sure she doesn't die" I tell him as I started to get aggravated.

"Can't do that if their plan doesn't cover it" He argues.

I had enough so I push the doc up against the nearest wall and pulled out my Overture and shoved it into his mouth "Let me make my self exceptionally clear for you then. If I find out that Gloria dies under your care and that I have to put her six feet under. I am going to put you twelve feet under in a dumpster filled with junkie shit and whore piss. Understand what I'm saying doc?"

The doc nods his head and I drop him and I holster my Overture. I transfer him a good amount of eddies as I stepped away "Alright, the kid can go visit her" Doc says.

I motion to David and he stands up. He follows the doctor to see Gloria. I am left alone and I tap my foot as I waited. A few minutes later, the doctor comes back with a tablet and a bag in hand.

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