Chapter 31....

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"Dude you're going to burn a hole in the plane." Bryton said next to me, watching my knee bounce up and down.

"We'll get there in time, don't worry." Wyatt tried to sooth my nerves but it wasn't helping.

"I'm already going to be ten minutes late." I promised Tasha I would be there for her at her parents gala. This was a big deal for her so I have to be there.

"Trust me she'll be happy you're there whether you are late or not."

"I know it's just..." I ran a hand down my face. "this will be the first time I'll meet her parents and they already want her to marry someone else. What if her parents convince her to be with someone else?"

Who would have thought me, Trevor Hall, would be so insecure when it came to a girl. But Tasha has me feeling things I've never felt before. I thought I was in love before but that was nothing compared to what I feel for Tasha.

Every time I'm with Tasha I feel....alive. Like there's a part inside of me I didn't know was missing until I met her. Don't get me wrong I was happy before I met Tasha. I loved my life. Playing hockey every other day, sleeping around with no commitment, hanging out with my boys.

The only thing that's changed is instead of going out to the bar after a game, hitting on women, I go home with the only girl I have eyes for. There's nothing better than being wrapped around Tasha talking about nothing. I now understood why Wyatt and Bryton loved to go home with their girlfriends after a game. I wasn't even ashamed how obsessed I was with Tasha at this point.

"Are you blind?" Bryton sent me a look like I was crazy. "That girl is so in love with you. Her parents aren't going to get her to change her mind."

I knew he was right. Hell Tasha flat out said she's never going to do what her parents want her too, so I shouldn't even be worried about this.

"Who would have thought Trevor Hall would be in knots over a girl." One of my teammates, Fitz, shoved my shoulder from behind.

"First Bryton and then Wyatt. Now our man Trevor. Sad day." Another chimed in.

I clenched my jaw as a few others chimed in saying their wing man was done. Next to me Bryton rolled his eyes. When he first got together with Sydni, the guys gave him a lot of shit about being tied down with one woman. Same went with Wyatt but he was quick to threaten anyone who so much as said a bad word about Josie.

"The man is pussy whipped." The words barely left Fitz's mouth before I was up and out of my seat. My fist was wrapped in his shirt within seconds, yanking him towards me.

"You say another word about my girl and we are going to have a problem Fitz. Are we clear?" No one around us dared to get up and separate us. I wasn't going to do anything to him but he if spoke another word about Tasha I won't hesitate in kicking his ass. Teammate or not.

"We're good. We're good." Fitz quickly nodded his head putting his hands out. I kept my grip on him for another moment before letting him go.

Wyatt and Bryton both gave me a knowing look. They would have done the same thing if it was Josie or Sydni. Most of the men on the team only think with their dicks. There's a few that have serious girlfriends or wives, but a good chunk only chase punk bunnies. They'll learn it gets old quick.

"How are the girls doing?" Coach Barnum asked from his spot in front of us.

"Good. Josie is busy planning stuff for the wedding." Once again that dopey smile graced Wyatt's face whenever he talked about his fiancé. He's had that look ever since Josie came into his life. Although I bet I wasn't any better when I talked about Tasha.

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