Chapter 16....

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The sound of my phone ringing jerked me awake. With a pounding head I blindly flopped my arm out to grab my phone. It took a moment to find my phone and bring it up to my ear, my eyes still closed.

"Yes." I croaked.

"Morning!" Josie's voice chirped through the phone.

"No." She was too happy in the morning. Even in university she was up and ready for 8 am classes. I was fine getting up early but don't talk to me for a good fifteen to twenty minutes.

"Ready for some breakfast?" At the mention of food my stomach clenched. Along with that and my pounding head, I definitely drank way too much last night. I answered her with a groan. Josie laughed through the phone.

"I know but you need something to eat and it's almost 11. Come down and meet us at the little diner the hotel has."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. Everyone will be here in a minute so get your ass up." The thought of getting up was not appealing. "The sooner you get here the sooner we can sit on the beach until we leave."

Josie knew my weak spot. Sitting on the beach before we left sounded pretty damn good right now. Especially with a long ass flight ahead of us soon.

"Fine. I'll be down in a bit."

Dropping my phone on the bed I stretched, still wishing I could lay in bed longer. Forcing myself to get up I was glad my head didn't spin. Nothing worse than getting the spins while hungover.

Padding over to the bathroom I briefly remember putting PJ's on last night but the rest is a bit of a blur. A quick glance in the mirror showed the huge t-shirt I had on was inside out. Yep, definitely put this on drunk. I cringed seeing my smudged eyeliner and what looked like lipstick around my lips. Great.

Feeling beyond disgusting I took a quick shower, knowing I didn't take one the night before. Knowing the others were waiting for me I showered quicker than I would have liked, forgoing washing my hair.

Not in the mood to get dressed up, I threw my hair into a high ponytail and slipped on a sundress. If we were going to go sit by the beach I'd come back and change anyways. Not bothering with makeup I grabbed my shoes and purse before leaving my room.

I must have looked pretty bad because the couple with two little kids in the elevator sent me some questionable looks. Almost like they've never seen a hungover person before. It took everything I had not to say something but thankfully the elevator stopped at the lobby and I was able to high tail it out of there.

It wasn't hard to find the restaurant or the table filled with my friends. I was the last one to show up and judging by the looks of Sydni and Lydia, I wasn't the only one who was hungover. I couldn't even remember when I got back to the hotel or how for that mattered.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Josie grinned up at me as I slid into a chair across from her and Wyatt. I briefly registered that Trevor was on one side and Landon on the other. The sight of coffee in front of me instantly taking over everything else.

I gave a little nod to the others as I poured some sugar and cream into my coffee before taking a big sip. I heard a chuckle from beside me as I sat there, coffee cup cradled in my hand, looking like death warmed over.

"You okay?" Trevor whispered next to me. Taking another huge gulp I nodded. Once I downed about half the cup I started to feel better. The caffeine working its way through my bloodstream.

"Ready to order?" The waitress appeared at the end of the table. I had a feeling they've been putting off ordering for me.

While everyone told her what they wanted I quickly scanned the menu. Everything made my stomach clench but I knew I had to eat something.

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