Chapter 11

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I sat in the car waiting for Luccaino to come out of the jewellery store. I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I shouldn't have said those things, show my sensitive side to a man that doesn't even give a shit about me. I played with my fingers nervously and occasionally looked out the window for Luccaino. He was still in there.

I didn't like receiving sympathy from people. I didn't need anybody to feel sorry for me and him doing all this hurt me a lot more than him almost getting physical with me and If he really wanted me to feel better then he would have set me free. Let me go. Maybe...

I glanced out once more and he was finally out. He got into the car, neither of us bothered to say a word nor look at each other.

It was like a thirty minute drive, short but it felt like an eternity of silence and tension. I just wanted to sleep.

We pulled up to this opulent mansion just within the calabasas. This one was bigger and had so much going in unlike his villa in the woods, but it had zero security. Christoph got out and the door was opened for me by some man who proceeded to greeting Lucciano and I. "I think you can leave now Reginald." Christoph said and the man nodded briefly with a smile.

"Come here." He said to me and I did so. He placed his hand on the small of my back and I swear I felt the tiniest shivers crawl up my spin...His touch.

He led me into the villa. Holding my breath as I was so close to him I almost forgot how to walk.

His hand fell from my back and he suspiciously glanced around. "Reginald!" He called out to his butler, who seemed to be preparing to leave. They both walked away leaving me there. And i took in everything.  It was a really beautiful place.

Black marrble floors, expensive rugs here and there. Fully furnished with the most exquisite and opulent furniture, I was even afraid to touch anything. One thing stood our the most and that was the emptiness. It made me wonder if he had more family other than his brothers. 

My tummy grumbled a little. To be honest I hadn't eating anything since morning and I wasn't gonna wait. I went into the kitchen and immediately spotted a box of chocolates. I knew it wouldn't do much but the temptation brewed lightly in the air, I glanced around to see if Lucciano was anywhere close. He wasn't, so I had like one or two chocolates. 

"I'm glad you're helping yourself Kaele." The way my name wrapped around his prominent accent....

Why was I feeling so sensitive today, I could feel it all, feel him.

I turned to him slightly embarrassed. "I had Reginald get some just for you." He's eyes are narrow, his gaze devilish and I, will never get used to it.

"thanks." I broke off the eye contact, my mind unsatisfied... He had his jacket and tie off. His crisp white shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows, his shirt caught onto his perfectly cut body. Muscles flexing with every movement he made. Gosh, he was gorgeous.

Christoph's POV

I found myself studying her, her long black, thick hair was still neatly tied back. Her golden almond toned skin seemed to glow even more than before. She rubbed her arm shyly, pressing her lips together then shutting her lids.

"You can freshen up in any of the rooms upstairs." I walked right past her taking in her, sweet floral fragrance.  "and clothes?" she inquired softly, her voice almost breaking. "I didn't arrange for any. You can find something in my closet." She blinked a million times in a second, and I just watched her reaction in amusement as her cheeks flushed with colour. She nodded, bitzing her lower lip and left.

Fifteen minutes later she walked into the kitchen, shyly, as she gracefully adorned herself with one of my white shirts, her hair was tied into a messy bun and her face fresh and clear of any makeup. I took in every inch of the scene present before me, "please don't look at me like that." She held back a smile tugging on the seam of my shirt, it was obviously too big for her but it fit.

She came closer and her jaw dropped. "Are you cooking?"

"No, I'm scheming a murder." I joked but she didn't laugh. She wasn't angry anymore I could tell.

"I didn't know men like you could cook."

"What do you mean men like me?" She sat herself up onto the kitchen island, consuming her chocolates.

"Well you're the entitled kind, you have everything you could ever wish for so why would you cook." I rolled my eyes, letting out a silent sigh.

"I don't think I'm entitled, I've had to work hard for the things I have and I still do." I enunciated, taking the pan off the stove.

She nodded, "Okayy. So apart from your brothers do you have any more family." I turned my head to her and she looked at me cautiously. Like this matter was delicate, which it was

"Yes. A majority of my family is spread across Italy. A few in Germany and other parts of the world."

"Why germany?"

"Do they need reason to live in Germany?" She shrugged her shoulders, "well I'm half German so.. you get it."

I put tge brocolini pasta, i just prepared in bowls and walked up to her placing her's right by her side as she nodded to my response. She gave a little sneaky smile. "Well-I thought I wasn't supposed to know anything about you Mr Lucciano." Her black irises sparkled and that forced me to smile. "I know a lot about you so it's only fair that you know a thing or two about me."

"Right because I'm your fiancée." She laughed casually. I placed my hands at either sides of her body, towering over her as she looked up at me. Inches, inches were the only thing between us. And i felt tempted. My hand slipped right around her waist pulling her closer and she held me by my shoulders, tightly. Cold stokes of air grazing her face and she shut her eyes, her legs wrapped around me. She breathed deeply and I couldn't stop myself from smiling upon this new discovery, I just stumbled upon. I hadn't even started yet she was so affected by me, I could feel her trembling, heavy breathing which she tried to halt every now and then. My interest deepened, I wanted to know more than I knew, maybe I even wanted to feel her.

I moved my head right to her ear and she quivered a little. With my other hand I grazed her arm, then went on to undo her hair and it gracefully cascaded down her back. I breathed down on the nape of her neck, one of her shaking hands tightened around my neck and with the other she dug her nails deep into my skin through the shirt.

"Can I?" I waited for her answer to which she hesitantly nodded. She was unprepared. 

I leaned in to plant a kiss on her neck, when unusual sounds came from the other room. I pulled away from her, then took my gun out. "Chris-"

"-stay here-" I left to check it out. Immediately I got here I had a feeling of something being off, but Reginald convinced me otherwise.

I pushed the door open, my gun firmly gripped, ready to fire. I turned the lights on and the room was empty.

This doesn't make sense where di-

"Christoph!" Leilani cried out, desperation lingering in her tone. The cluster of utensils falling and shattering sounded too. I sprinted back to the kitchen. I muttered a curse under my breath... She looked at me with fear, tears pouring from her eyes as she tried  to break free from his grip. 


His hand tightly fixed on her throat and before I could even react, he threw her onto the glass table and it shuttered to a million pieces. Her tone sharpened as she screamed, crying out in pain


I shot multiple times at the intuder disarming him but only keeping it to safe places, like his arms and legs. I wasn't going to kill him now, especially not in front of Leilani as she was still conscious.

I held him by his collar, keeping him from falling to the ground. My fist colliding with his visage until I broke every part of his skull.  A ragged and uncontrollable anger coursed through my veins to the point where I shook uncontrollably as I punched this fool multiple times in his abdomen until he bled from his mouth.


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