Painful Goodbye

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Chun had been following Annihilation for a while now. He always watched from the shadows, keeping an eye out for him and Genesis.

Unbeknownst to mankind, rats, like every other animal on the planet, knew far more than they let on. They felt emotions, rationalized situations- just like any human being. As the years progressed, every living animal on earth had grown smarter...but humans in their cruel nature had neutralized a large majority of them.

Chun was lucky to be alive but was met with struggles on a daily basis, especially with his size. Despite how small he was, however, he never put a limit to what he could do. 

The little rat was aware of everything that was going on with Annihilation. He witnessed Plague taking him into an estranged factory where he revealed who he was. Annihilation didn't seem all too happy with the sudden discovery, and Chun could tell he was having second thoughts when he was laid out on to a table. The rat could hear Plague saying something about a reset. He didn't know what it was until the both of them were back out and Annihilation no longer carried the same energy he did before. He was like a stranger with a dark cloud floating about him. To Chun, however, it didn't matter. He knew deep inside there was still something left of his friend.

The animal watched through the vents above as a bald and terrified Genesis was strapped to a chair. He observed his friend ready to pierce her skull, and knew time was of the essence. With his tiny claws outstretched and his teeth barred, he began to scrape and thrash around in the vents, hoping to distract Annihilation. 

It didn't work at first, until he began to squeak. It seemed it had grabbed the attention of Genesis as well.

The woman immediately knew what to do as she stared at her lover, head lifted above him as he began to pull away.

"Y-you remember Chun, don't you A?" Genesis struggled to speak as her bloodshot eyes frantically jumped from Annihilation to Plague, then back. She could sense the confusion in him and knew if she pried further then maybe just maybe he would remember something.

"What do you think you're doing?" Plague cut in, though he made no effort to really stop the woman from talking.

Annihilation was now focused on Genesis, turning his head from side to side as if processing information.

"You had to let him go a-and I remember you saying it was a very hard thing to do. You missed him a lot, didn't you?" Genesis fumbled with her hands, attempting to inconspicuously pull them out in case the plan didn't work. Annihilation remained quiet, staring at Plague who merely said nothing.

"I do not know what a Chun is," The dark robot finally responded, gripping on to Genesis as he pressed down on her skull. She thought the end had come- until a loud sound erupted above them.

Chun, with his arms outstretched, was flying down after breaking through the vent. He landed directly on top of Annihilation's head, nearly sliding off from the smooth surface. The machine stumbled back for a moment, trying to come to terms with what was blocking his vision as he firmly gripped on to the rat. The robot stared down at the squirming animal in his grip, loosening it a little as he turned Chun around to get a better look at him. 

Plague finally moved, resting a gentle hand on his companion's shoulder. "It appears a little thing has made its way through. It's best if you leave him outside." He outstretched his claw, hoping for his creation to hand Chun over.

Annihilation, however, did not budge. Instead, he gazed deeply into the rat's eyes. There was a strange sensation starting to manifest inside him, and he had the sudden urge to squeeze the creature's fat cheeks- until Plague lost his patience.

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