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A leaned against the wall of Genesis's living room, crossing his arms over his chest as he viewed the pitiful scene before him.

Genesis was kneeling before a rather stiff Cerci who sat at the edge of her couch. Her eyes were concealed with a pair of dark shades, and she didn't seem to be aware that her friend was there at all. She looked like a doll, skin smoother than ever and her attire was one that didn't seem to be her type of fashion. It was too proper and conservative.

Genesis rested a hand on her friend's own, flinching back at how cold it was. Before she could speak and ask what was going on, A stepped forward and gestured for Genesis to step back.

"Do not ask what you do not want to know. It is best if you leave her be."

Genesis imagined all the horrible things that could have happened to Cerci, who slowly looked at her direction without a hint of emotion on her face.

"A, please. Please tell me what happened. At least tell me where you found her."

The robot shook his head, facing Cerci who immediately stood up. She started to walk towards the entrance of the apartment, until Gensis stopped her from leaving.

"Cerci, don't you recognize me? It's me! Genesis!"

A pulled her out of the way, allowing for Cerci to exit the residence without a word. Genesis couldn't believe it, shaking her head as she collapsed into A's arms. She glanced up at him, eyes watery as she tried to shake him roughly.

"You have to tell me what's going on with her. This isn't normal!"

A didn't want to tell Genesis where he had found Cerci. It wouldn't sit right with her, and if anything, it would most likely traumatize her. He had his reasons, after all, to keep things quiet. See, after this Genesis would no longer see Cerci again. He would be the reason for her second and final disappearance, though he had his reasons. He wanted to try something with her. He only did it once at the club, and it proved to be a success, but he wanted to try it with something else. And Cerci was the perfect one to experiment on.

"Why aren't you telling me anything?!"

A could sense the anger rising in the woman's voice. He carefully laid his large hands on her waist, examining her as she stared back at him with confusion.

"If I tell you the truth, do you promise to calm down?"

Genesis nodded vigorously, wishing nothing more than to understand what in the world had happened to Cerci. Though she feared what she would hear, she had to confront it.

A had no problem coming up with a lie so convincing, it left Genesis baffled and even more thrown off than she expected. He informed her that her good friend Cerci had participated in a secret, new cosmetic implant that had gone a little awry. He claimed that she had to leave immediately when said procedure started to interrupt her activity, and it was a coincidence it happened at the same time the club shooting ocurred. He said the cosmetic which was installed through her brain managed to wipe out almost everyone's memory of her, and that it even interrupted her own memories.
Cerci had to make her way back to their labs and have them work on her for a while. Now she was back but needed time to recover.

"It is a cosmetic that your friend has willingly participated in for money. She was well aware of the dangers. You must give her time to make a full recovery."

Genesis couldn't believe Cerci would actually do that to herself...but she wouldn't put it past her. Her friend had an obsession for new fashion, anything high tech that was remotely popular. She wanted to be like those people in the good side of town, with their implants and such. She lacked money, however, and she felt that perhaps Cerci would put herself in a not so pleasant situation to get what she wanted. She had joked before that she had even sold her body for a few credits, but...

"God. She's an idiot." Genesis shook her head, covering her face with her hands as she let it all sink in. She couldn't help Cerci, and deep inside felt helpless. A said it would take time for her to recover but how could she just sit around and wait?

"I have to at least see her once every now and then. Just to make sure she's okay."

A didn't like the response. He cocked his head, emitting a very serious "Of course" as Genesis began to shed a few tears.

He didn't want to lie to the woman, even though he hated admitting it. He wished he could treat her like he treated every human he encountered. Dominating them until they were left behind in a pool of their own blood.

He was careful, however, as to not let others see him or uncover the end results of his deeds. A knew people were starting to search for the missing Xavier back at the club he used to work at. Not only that, but they thought someone had kidnapped him as well. He was prized by many, and others figured Xavier might have gotten involved with some nasty people. As long as A stayed out of sight, he could do what he wished in the shadows.


The robot realized he has been glaring at the wall for quite some time, and Genesis noticed. He turned towards her, giving a simple nod as she smiled up at him with sad, red eyes.

"I just want to say thank you. You found her, and she's safe."

A relaxed a little as he gave a slight bow in silence. He knew what he had to do from there on out.

As long as Genesis knew nothing of his actions and didn't get involved in his work, he would continue. He only hoped she would never uncover his secrets. If that were the case, A didn't think he would be able to save her from himself.

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