chapter fifty five: i love you

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**a/n - please comments any thoughts you have as you read. it helps me out a lot :)))



These past few days have been pretty tiring. To start off, I went down to the rink and met with the owners.

The Adlers were a nice family, they inherited their rink and ran it for a few years. Their daughter is such a cutie. Evangeline or Evie as she likes to be called, is definitely a hyper one.

Five years old and I can already tell she's going to be one rowdy girl. My first day on the job was yesterday and despite my prior endurance to stand on skates, I think I'll have to get used to it again.

My feet hurt.

On top of that I haven't been able to sleep lately. The closer it got to the day they came back, it seemed the less rest I was getting.

I think I'm just excited for him to come back.

Speaking of him, I was upset to see that I had a missed call from him last night. It was in the middle of my shift so I didn't see it until later.

I texted him back but haven't heard anything yet.

Tonight I'm forcing myself to clean up my room because hell, it's messy.

I have a bad habit of leaving my clothes on the floor. There's probably about a week's worth of outfits on the ground.

I had an oversized crew neck and shorts on while I cleaned up my room. I would love to say my hair looked nice, but it was a frizzy mess.

I just put it in a clip to get it out of my face. Walking around my room I had a sudden urge to organize everything.

Not that I have to, but I might as well.

All the bending and standing up felt more taxing than it should've. My legs felt sore.

Am I that out of shape?

Groaning, I carry the last stack of clothes to my bed. Dropping them in a heap I decided to take a break and get ready for bed.

I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Halfway through I heard the doorbell ring. I kept the toothbrush in my mouth as I walked to the door.

I turned the knob without a care and swung it open. When I saw who was standing there my toothbrush almost fell out of my mouth.

"Hey," he smiled down at me and my already strained legs went wobbly.

I wanted to say something, but with the toothbrush held between my teeth, I couldn't.

"Sorry if this is kinda out of nowhere, it's pretty late." he apologizes, taking in my disheveled appearance.

I hummed in disagreement and pulled him inside. Shutting the door I turn around and rush back to my room.

Ducking into the bathroom I spit out my toothpaste and wash out my mouth. I step into my room and find him standing by the door.

"I didn't know you were back," I ran up and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Well, I knew you were back, it's just so late–I didn't think I'd see you until tomorrow."

My anxious state seemed to mellow out the second I felt his arms around me. I pulled him tighter, desperately trying to get the most out of this embrace.

"Well I wasn't going to wait until tomorrow so," his voice was low and throaty.

I pull my head back smiling.

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