chapter fifty three: chips & guac

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Mid-afternoon the next day, time couldn't pass any slower. I heard a knock on my door and slowly got up to answer it.

Opening my door, Addie comes barging in with a smile on her face. "Dani, Dani, Dani, Dani, Dani-" she hastily repeats my name.

"What?" I turn around and close the door.

"They said yes!" she exclaims.

"Who said yes?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"The owners at the rink. My grandparents were able to talk to them and ask if they needed help." she explains, plopping herself on my couch.

This brings a smile to my face. The past few days I've been really trying to find a job. Ever since the incident at the bar, I haven't had anything to do.

I quit the day I got to Bev's house and now I'm in serious need of some spending money. So I asked if anyone knew any places.

Allie asked her coworkers at the diner but no luck. Addie said she could ask if the rink over by where her grandparents lived needed any help.

And by her appearance today I'm assuming they do. "They're actually in desperate need of staff so they were wondering if you could go down tomorrow."

I sat down next to her. "Yeah, definitely. Could you give me their number?" I ask.

"Already sent the minute I walked through the door." she smiled.

"Thanks A. Are you staying for the game?"

She's quick to shake her head. "No I can't. I have to go back to Boulder tonight."

"Why? The game's in an hour, you can watch for a little bit." I attempt to persuade her.

Her lips tighten into a frown. "Sorry Dani. I just have stuff to do back home. I'll be watching from there though." she says as she stands up.

I watch her walk to the door in a rush. "Hey, Addie, why are you going already?" I ask in a genuine tone.

A huff leaves her mouth, like she's annoyed. "It's nothing. I just have to get going. Sorry, I know this was kinda out of nowhere."


"Call the number I sent you and please go down there. Love you D."

That's all she says before she walks out the door. Something about her abrupt exit didn't sit right with me.

What is going on with you Addie?


An hour later I showed up at Bev's house for the game. I quickly rushed in and away from the cold, hanging up my jacket, and plopping myself onto the couch.

I blow the hair out of my face with an annoyed puff of air. Commercials were playing on the TV as Allie walked in front of me.

"What's with the mood?" she asks, taking a seat besides me.

"Nothing, it's just Addie. She's been acting weird and hasn't been around lately." I explain.

"Yeah, I've noticed that." she agrees.

"Somethings totally up but she won't tell me." I throw my head back in frustration. "Like, what's keeping you so busy that you can't even tell me?"

She puts one leg up on the couch and turns to me. "I'm sure she'll tell you soon. For now you should maybe leave her be."

I absorb what she's saying but it only makes me think about more. "Ok but...did she tell you anything? At all?"

She's quick to shake her head. "No. But if she did, I didn't pick it up. I'm sorry."

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