S & S 4ever

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I waited this moment forever.

She still smelled of fresh rain, her hair shiny, her skin looked softer than silk, and her eyes more brighter than I ever seen. Sang. She was here with me, finally. As I put the car in reverse, I immediately got nervous, my mind blank of what to say.

I was suppose to have my turn with her after Owen and Gabriel, but I needed more than an hour to set up my plans, also I needed the time to breathe. Because this was my moment, and now, I just needed her.

All I wanted to do was hold her, kiss her, marry her and never let her go. I took a deep breath before letting it put, she needed the truth, we both deserved to hear each other out. But something told me I wasn't going to be ready for it, like a reminder that I let her down.

I needed to know, I wanted to make it right, or make it better. I just want her, just the way she is. I opened my mouth just as Sang told me to pull over. I frowned but obliged and put the car in park.

I turned to her and was greeted with a tiny, big big hug. Sang cried softly in my arms and god!.. how I felt like this was my fault.

"I missed you so fucking much Pookie. I'm so sorry I left without you. I'm so sorry that you had to stay in that house" I sniffed. Crying just as bad as she was.
"I still love you Sang, I never stopped. Your still my best friend."

She held me tighter like we were going to be ripped apart any second by some force of nature. The pain I endured over the years missing her all came crashing down again in this moment.

She is here. She is okay. I found her.

There is nothing I wouldn't do for her, nothing I wouldn't keep from her, and nothing I wouldn't give her if she simply asked. Sang Sorenson deserves the world, she deserves everything that would put a smile on her face.

After a while we broke apart and I cradled her angelic face in my hands, using my thumbs to softly brush away her tears. Her green eyes shown with both sorrow and joy. I never seen anything more beautiful.

"We would believe me if I said I would drop everything just to be with you?" My voice on a rasp, I swallowed hard but gave her my cheesy grin in which made her laugh.

"Oh Sean," she grabbed my face and brought it down to where her soft lips touched my forehead. A kiss from her felt like the world stopped just to watch her. "I'd always believe you" she said to me in Japanese.

I couldn't deny my heart for what it feels any longer, I needed to tell her.
"Pookie, I'm still in love with you. I don't think I never stopped. I searched and searched everywhere with my broken heart. Please know that. Please believe me when I say I really do want everything with you right here and now." My eyes burned with the truth.

I know she was involved with the Toma team, I know she has feelings, and I know the only way to be with her is to accept it. I just hoped she can accept me too. We'll figure it out together.

"I know what you feel with the others. I-im okay with that Sang. I just want to be apart of it too. Especially if it makes you happy, okay?" She sniffed while taking in my honesty. But her answer didn't take long as she nodded her head and leaned in to capture my mouth.

I couldn't contain the the low groan in my throat as my body set fire in the most intoxicating way. Our kiss was just like how I remembered it to be. Slow, passionate, adventurous, and filled with promises Im sure Im going to fucking keep this time.

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