Little Birdie

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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I want to cry about it. Things got out of control since the last time I wrote. Arizona is getting alot of rain and the Navajo nation had crazy storms that damaged roads and flooded stuff. I had to go without a phone for awhile because my last one was being a big pain and kept freezing on me. I had to get my kids ready for school and their enrollment, my enrollment. My school started last week, and I've been really busy. I was thinking about a prequel about Ghost Bird, and giving Starr and the gang their own short story. But not until I finish this book first. So enjoy these next chapters. Thanks for hanging on. Happy reading. Unsung Requiem will be out in two more days!


All I could do was stare at Sang, and all I could do was listen to her contagious giggles when she rounded the corner. The sight before me stopped my heart in ways that couldn't be explained medically. She was wearing pink scrubs with birds on it and a dark pink stethoscope around her neck, holding a chart against her chest. She was a nurse.

My Pookie a nurse. She did it.

I didn't know what was going on around me but I had a great guess. What Victor accused this morning, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe him. I know Sang wasn't lying, she would never. But was it really true that she wasn't listed under the government?

Every information I got about her was all too much, but the main one was that she was academy. My brain couldn't process it. All I could do since yesterday was replay all the memories of us in Tokyo. Last night I dreamed about my future with her, what things would be like. Then I woke up and reality set in.

The guys probably wouldn't understand all of it, but them thinking she was a liar, a fraud....they didn't even know her! I didn't know her, well.... I dont know her now. Maybe she changed, maybe she's a completely different person. Was she still my Pookie? What am I thinking? I have a girlfriend. Sean, you have a girlfriend.

After I left the house this morning, I took a little bit longer route trying to get my head back on. I arrived a little late and then I was pushed into the lounge where everyone was happy to see me, I only had a minute to say hello and catch up. That didn't happen, it took awhile to escape. They made me feel joy and made me feel missed. Then it made me feel left out. I pushed that aside because I had my own private practice. I had my own hours and my own patients, my own life. That was the whole reason I wanted it, to feel more free. it doesn't.

My mind was still a jumble of thoughts I barely managed to see that everyone was going into Dr. Roberts office. It was cramped, but we all managed to get some what comfortable. Sang. She sat in Dr. Roberts chair like it was hers and he didn't question it.

Sang took in the room with a blank face. I couldn't read her the way I used to. Dr. Roberts ask what was going on, and my now jerk of a best friend accused my Pookie for being a liar and a fraud. Something just isn't adding up. Dr. Roberts looked pissed and went to stand in front of his desk to face her.

"Well then, I shall report this immediately. Dr. Song, Miss Sorenson, who ever you are.... Do you have anything you want to say for yourself? The council will not take this lightly. I want an explanation, now!" He barked out which made a couple of us flinch. I never heard him sound so mean before and my hands clenched I to fists. I don't like how he was talking to my Pookie.

I looked at Sang, and she looked at me. Longing , love and sadness filled her beautiful green eyes, then sparkled with a hint of humor in it. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Sir yes sir," she said flatly.
We all looked at Dr. Roberts and then back at her like it was some sort of stand off. What surprised me was the big belly laugh he gave, then the world stopped and my Pookie's beautiful giggles erupted out of her. The sound was heart stopping.

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