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Michael's POV

They say men do not cry. Certainly Alpha's do not cry either, my father always told me it shows weakness and an Alpha never shows weakness. Yet what do you do when it hurts so bad that no matter how much you try to prevent it, you can't help but let the tears flow.  I had been running for hours, out of breath, muscles aching yet I still pushed myself. I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop, hearing her cries was like a dagger straight through my heart.
Every fiber of my being wanted me to go back and fix things, tell her it's okay I forgive her. Move on.
But I couldn't. We are too broken.
I ran to the north, running past the warriors reaching just on the outside of the border. All there is, is thick trees and spots of bare land covered in overgrown grass and wildflowers. Soon, this will be the life that my mother and friends will be subjected to when they become rogues. Wanderers with no home or pack. They left me no choice, I couldn't let them go unpunished. My father and Mellisa have been silent, not knowing whether they will follow their mates or not.
It will be sunset soon, I need to head back. Will I find Kathy there? A part of me wants to find her, the other part of me does not want to face her. I fear I will give in and change my mind.
Either way, I need to go back, running will not solve anything.
An eerie silence greets me as I begin to walk back through the forest. The warriors I had left standing on the border are nowhere to be seen. This is not good.
I feel a searing pain at the back of my skull before I can mindlink my Beta. I fall to the ground as my vision becomes blurry. Figures emerge out of the thick trees. A man stands in front of me with a sinister smile on his face.
"well, well, well. If It isn't the Alpha of the strongest pack in the world, hello Alpha Michael" You have got to be fucking kidding me.
"the one and only"
"How did you..."
"enter your pack? through the eastern border" first rogues evade twice now the Dark moon pack. I swear I am going to erect a fucking wall made of silver on that border.
"What do you want?"
He chuckles "what do I want? Let's see, what do I want?" he taps his chin in thought, "I want your pack" he says as more of his warriors and rogues? walk through the border "you see I take over your pack, I join my pack with yours then I have the biggest and strongest pack in the world" I try to stand but fall to the ground. Warm liquid or what I assume is blood runs down my back.
"I will... never let you take over my pack. My people will never let you be there new Alpha, you are a disgrace for siding with rogues"
He snorts "your people? Be careful who you trust Alpha. It is one of your people who helped me plan all this, besides I have no problem with forming an alliance with rogues to get what I want"
"No! I don-t be-lieve you, my pack would never betray me" I pant out. Well my own mother and close friends did just that but he doesn't need to know that. I need to buy time to allow for my wound to heal. Lucky for me the pompous jerk seems to love spelling out his plans to me, taking pride in my reactions to boost his ego.
"Yes! and I am actually doing you a favor little Alpha, you have no heir, the pack is divided. I will unite your pack and my mate is actually expecting so your packs future is in safe hands" he reasons. More of his warriors have crossed the border moving further into my land "and don't you worry, I promise your death will be painful and I get to keep your mate, personally I am not into dating older women but she will make a good play thing"
I lunge for the Alpha in anger, transforming into my wolf but his warriors also in wolf form begin to attack stopping me from reaching my prey, clawing at my fur, snapping at my ears. 
"do not kill him, that honor belongs to me. you could break all of his limbs for all I care for as long as he is still breathing" Dean changes into his wolf and runs further into the pack lands heading for the pack house.
I continue to fight off the wolves as they attack me on all sides. I need to fight them off, my pack is in danger.

Kathy's POV

"Luna, you need to go into the pack house.  it's not safe here" Chris says just as more wolves emerge out of the forest. They are pack wolves and rogues? Whose are they? 
The former Alpha, Beta and Pack warriors including the head warrior surround the pack house.
A man walks with a proud gait through the crowd of wolves and rogues. 
Alpha Dean.
He grins mischievously as he comes to stand in front of us. 
With everything that has happened, this is the least surprising thing. I always knew that Alpha Deans' ego would always get the better of him.
Pack wolves begin to growl in warning at the intruder to not walk any further. 
"My name is Alpha Dean of Dark moon your soon to be Alpha. I come in peace. Surrender and you shall live" he says.
"The pack already has an Alpha. Dean. Leave or you will regret it" Alpha Derrick warns
"I will regret nothing. The numbers are on my side" Alpha Dean replies in a sinister tone.
"so be it. ATTACK!" Alpha Derrick commands the warriors.
"Run Luna!" Chris shouts. Changing into his wolf he runs to the fight.  I can hear the panicked screams of women and children coming from the pack house. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that my mother and son are safe inside.
I will not run. I never learn do I? you would think I would have learnt my lesson by now. But I just can't sit by and watch. This is my pack and these are my people. I know most of them probably don't like me yet it is my duty to ensure that they are safe. I change into my wolf and join the fight. I will worry about the repercussions later.
Our warriors hold their own as we continue to fight off the enemies' advances. I worry for my mate though I feel he is alive.
A large black wolf charges at me, knocking me to the ground.
He grabs my neck dragging me across the grass, I thrash as he sinks his teeth further into my neck halting my movements, if I continue my head will be detached from my body. Dante snaps at the Alphas tail causing him to growl Leaving me wheezing for breath.
Alpha Dean grabs Dante's hind leg and throws him across the field hitting into a tree. Alpha Dean turns his attention back to me giving me a bloody grin knowing that this is my end.  He Slowly approaches, bending his head down aiming to end my life, I feel like I have been here before.
I fear this is it, I shut my eyes awaiting the inevitable.
A ball of black fur suddenly flashes across my vision. I hear gurgling sounds, tilting my head up, I see Alpha Dean spitting out blood as he tries to breathe, the flesh on the middle part of his neck missing. He falls to the ground, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Silence spreads across the field as all wolves stare at the fallen Alpha and the Wolf that killed him.
That scent. I know who it is but it can't be. How can it be? He is just a Pup. How can he be an Alpha Wolf?
With no one to lead them, one by one the enemy wolves begin to retreat as the warriors give chase.
Michael walks out of the woods bloody but alive. Vincent runs to his father, snuggling to him, he begins to whine. His mind is still trying to process what's happening. And so am I. MY SON IS AN ALPHA.

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