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Unknown POV

I have waited. I have watched. I have seen enough. I built this pack to what it is today, yet he expects me to just sit back and watch it crumble.
He doesn't want to listen to me, he forced my hand. Things did not have to turn out this way, I like her, she is a good woman but she needs to go. The pack must come first.
"Has she agreed?" I ask as the cloaked figure moves towards me.
"I cant convince her"
"Try harder" I command
"What do you want me to say? She is already suspicious as is. She is smart you know. She knows someone sent me"
"Be more persuasive"
"I already tried that, Look at what she did to my face" she says agitated, removing her cloak to reveal a bruised nose and cheek.
Wow. I underestimate my Luna's strength.
"So? You want me to pay for your medical expenses?"
"No I want you to give me what's mine and stop this madness"
"Life is never that simple little witch. Do what I tell you to do and we both get what we want". She gives out an exasperated sigh
"I don't understand. How can you do this to him?"
"Am not doing this to him, am doing this for him. The goddess made a mistake, I am simply rectifying it" I clarify. The lengths we go to for the ones we love.
"She doesn't deserve this"
"She. doesn't deserve to be Luna" I yell enraged. Everyone knows it, yet I am the only one willing to do something about it .
"Is he okay?" she asks, a crestfallen look on her face.
"He is fine. Do this for me and you will ride into the sunset, live happily ever after with your mate" Naive little witch.
"Am doing all I can, but I don't think she will ever agree to this"she says. She is so stupid. I would have used rogues to rid the pack of its curse but it never would have worked. With the recent attacks, the pack is like a fortress with its heavy protection, they would never get past the borders. The witch is able to pass through undetected, if not for the fact that I need her in the final execution of my plan I would have killed her long ago. Her mate would be heartbroken but he'll live.
"Fine I will help you there, I will fan the flames for you little witch. Soon she will come begging for you to free her of the bond ". Kathy is a broken woman, she just needs a little nudge in the right direction, she must realize that she is not good enough for her position as mate and Luna. Her love for Micheal and the pack will be her undoing.
"My name is Helen"
"Excuse me?"
"I said my name is Helen. Stop calling me little witch"
"Does it matter, you are still a witch"
"And you are a werewolf, yet you don't hear me calling you werewolf" Cheeky little witch. I will be rid of you once this is over.
"Okay Helen. We will meet again soon".
My warrior and I head back to the pack house inconspicuously, ensuring that we do not arouse suspicion. I must rest, we have guests arriving tomorrow.

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