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it is the next day after the shoot, a saturday and Mase is already over at mine from very early this morning, its around noon currently and mase is helping me make salad for lunch

the doorbell rings

"expecting somebody" mase asks

i shake my head "probably at the wrong door, ill go get it, you get the dressing done and don't burn the chicken on the stove"


i walk over to my door and unlock it and im shocked by the face in front of my eyes


"Lottie im sorry" he says as i hug him as hard as i can

i let him in and he sits down on my couch, mase comes over and greets Jamie

"ill go finish off the salad and ill come" Mase says

i nod to him

"lottie, the first thing i want to say, is im sorry, i shouldn't have ever reacted like that, it was very wrong of me to say such things, because i know your mature and i have no doubt you will be able to raise the baby well and give them an amazing life, and anything i said that day about either of you is completely incorrect, i should have held in my anger and supported you rather than shouting and getting mad, im so sorry Lottie"

i get up and hug him

"Jamie, im glad you know what you did was wrong because i was really hurt, your my brother you mean a lot to me, and the things you said hurt my feelings, and im glad you came all the way here to own up to your mistakes, i forgive you Jamie"

"thank you lottie, thank you so much"

mason brings out 3 bowls of salad and sits down

"so how long are you staying?" i ask

"well i didn't know how it would go so i kinda just bought one ticket, even if i stay i'd have to be home for monday because ive got work"

"oh, well your welcome to stay with us if you want, you know where the guest room is"

"its fine ive got a mate who i stay with whenever im in London"

i nod

"so why glasgow if you don't mind me asking" Mase asks Jamie

"well, its a lot cheaper, you can actually afford housing in central glasgow, also i work as an architect and most of our work is in scotland so obviously ive got to be up there all the time"

"Glasgow is a lovely city, its a lot less polluted and way less busier than London" i add

"i can agree"

"you play for chelsea don't you mason?"


"your a terrific player by the way"

"thank you very much"


"So? how far along are you Lottie?" Jamie asks

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