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"your phone is going off" my best friend Jade says picking up my phone off the table and handing it to me

"who is it?" she asks

"trent" i say sighing and accepting the call, as well as placing it on speaker so that Jade can hear

"Trent" i sigh 

"Lottie" he sighs imitating me but i just laugh as soon as i hear him do it in his thick scouse accent

"what is it now bro, you just called me an hour ago, this better not be about your fallout with Andy because i honestly have had enough"

"no its not about that, basically the london boys want to set up a mate of ours and who better than you, you'll genuinely like him, like he's exactly your type"

"if he plays football then its over"

"give him a chance"

"trent, your basically my brother i love you, but you know well ive got enough fame on me and i don't need anymore, this much is enough"

"lottie please, no one said you had to tell people"

"fine as long as its an indoor thing because its freezing outside, its still february you know"


"love you too trent" i roll my eyes

i look up at Jade

"are you serious? you agreed to go on a date, this is a day i never saw coming lottie"

"its trent, he's essentialy my brother i honestly can't say no to that idiot anymore, besides its just one date, like no one said i had to like him, its probably not going to work out and im just going to go back to my usual single self

"well, you know what this means lottie"


i am a little chaotic child

i am immature, that is what i am

shopping is one of the best thing to ever exist in this life, its like a therapist, actually its more like drugs, it gives me that dopamine, you know?


i work as a media presenter for many studios, from Ladbible, to BR to ESPN and even BBC sometimes

i love my Job, i do the coolest stuff and not all of its is just serious ass talking, in fact most of my work is informal, like i do a lot of comedy interviews, like do you expect me to be able to do a serious interview with Jack Whitehall? of course not

along with this stuff i have a youtube channel where i do a lot of comedy stuff with celebrities, which i also enjoy, i have quite a large following over my social medias, and things like that give me some influence and fame

my private life i like to keep private, but every now and again the papparazi catch the odd thing or two. in fact my biggest enemy is the papparazi, they always show up at the worst times and can never bother to respect my or anybody's privacy, ive had to take legal action on one group of papparazi who went so far as to follow me all day for a couple days, basically stalking me

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