Chapter 17

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Crystal's pov

After I was done with my shift I settled myself in My Car with Martin (my bodyguard) and the driver.

Yes, Mr and Mrs knight literally forced this car to me and told me to use this car for transportation instead of using public transport.

As we were on the way to Knight mansion when I suddenly realised that I need few books.

"Um.. Can we please stop by a book store. I need to buy some books" I said to them and they nodded.

When we reached outside the book store I came out of my car along with Martin.

"Why are you coming with me?" I asked to which he frowned.

"I'm supposed to protect you" He frowned at me.

"Yeah but who's gonna harm me inside the book store?" I asked to which he shook his head in disbelief.

"Okay fine, go. But if their is any problem, call me" He said and I nodded.

Entering inside the book store I start searching for the books I needed.

When I was looking for the book I felt someone staring me from behind.

I turned around to see that no one was there. Shrugging I again started searching for the books but again I felt someone staring me. I once again turned to see noone was there.

But this time I was scared cause I felt something was not right. I hurriedly searched the books and went towards the bill counter.

But when I was standing in the queue I again felt someone staring behind me. But this time I didn't turned back. As my chance came I quickly paid the money for my books and start walking away when a teen boy came to me.

"Yes?" I asked frowning.

"That man told me to give this chit to you" He said giving me a chit. I frowned and tried to peek at that direction but found no one.

And in the meantime that boy too left. I frowned hard at this and opened the chit.

You have no idea what you have done. You have ruined my years of hardwork in just few minutes. And If you're thinking that KNIGHTS can protect you from me than you're wrong. No one, I repeat no one can protect you from me. You have yourself invited troubles in your way. Good luck.


Ethan Kingsley. ♡

I felt my throat dried reading after reading that note. I can't believe this. Oh my god.

I was not much scared from Maddison's messages but this, oh my god.

Ethan is now giving me threats. Ethan. That man is scary. If he is threatening me, I doubt that this is small thing.

He will surely kill me or worst will torture me to the death.

Scared I looked at that direction where that boy told me someone gave him chit and again found none but this I felt scared just looking at that corner.

Wait.. I felt someone staring me and than got this chit. It means.. Ethan was their.

I widened my eyes in shock when suddenly my phone pinged with a message from an unknown number.

Scared I opened the message only to get more terrify.

Good to see you scared. I will make sure you continue with this expression until you die the worst death.

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