Untitled Part 7

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A/N: Parts in italics are YN flashbacks

You're going to exchange pressure between clutch and gas pedal. As you're lessening the pressure on one, more goes to the other. Got it?

Yeah, I-

You lurch forward, and the car dies.


It's okay, Levi. Try again.

It took several attempts to get the car running smoothly, and he grinded it transitioning from gear to gear so many times, you nearly cried for your clutch. He got it, though. Just like you knew he would.

You watch him with a smile as he makes his rounds, checking everything on the car before the judges come down to approve it for round one.

Wouldn't manual be least effective when drag racing?

Auto has its merits, Levi, but you're missing out on using your car's full power. You get more output from your torque, plus a lot of your engine's top end performance with manual. BUT unless you have the confidence to know you'll nail every gear, it is wiser to stick with auto.

Then why didn't you just teach me auto?

Because Levi, I don't want you to be a good driver. I want you to be the best, and if you can smoke it in a manual set up. Ain't nobody competing.

Dad wisdom?

You wink. Dad wisdom.

Levi moves back, allowing the judges to look under his hood, and the rest of his setup. The judges step back and ask Levi a question. He looks visibly frustrated.

"What's the problem," you ask as you walk up to the trio.

"A simple matter of the gentleman's driver's license. He has failed to present one."

"He's driving in my place. The vehicle is registered to me." You present the proper paperwork, and the judges look it over. "Anything else?"

"See that this is remedied if you wish him to compete in future events. Today, it is overlooked. This car is listed as using nitrous; can you show me the stamping proving DOT standards are met?"

You give them the required information, and they move on to the next car.

"I need to get a license, YN."

"As I said before, I don't know how to go about getting one of those illegally. You might just have to relegate yourself to pit crew." He gives an angry snarl and stomps over to the front of the car, checking his tire pressure once again. You follow him over, determined to try to set his mind at ease.

"Levi, hey-

He turns around and pulls you close, surprising you into silence. It's clear there's something on his mind that far outweighs the possibility of a dead race career. You wait patiently for him to speak, wrapping your arms around him in kind.

"About what happened last night-

"Levi, you don't have to-

"No. I want to. Let me, okay?"

The announcers call his name for qualifications. He sighs and gives you a quick kiss.

"Seeing Erwin on tv last night scared the shit out of me. I was afraid this would all be over before I got a chance to show you how I feel about you. In true Levi fashion, I didn't exactly go about it correctly."

"Carrying me to your bedroom was the wrong choice," you ask, lifting your brow at him teasingly. He grins.

"Make no mistake, I don't regret it in the least. I just.... Ever since we met, I've felt pulled to you. I've fought it. Duty and all that. I hope Erwin gives me a choice. Like I said last night, you and only you. It's what I want."

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