39) Loophole!

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Song dedicated to this chapter- Maahi by Sharib Toshi

Song dedicated to this chapter- Maahi by Sharib Toshi

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"It's been a freaking month and Dada hadn't came back home." Manavi whispered yelled in frustration.

The beautiful princess of Jaipur looked different!

Although their were deep dark circles on her face which showed her lack of sleep, her face looked tired.

But their was a different glow on her face, a glow that made her eyes look Hallow as her eyes have lost all the life in them, yet her face was radiating with that almost inhuman glow.

"Why, why did he gave Baba that promise Maa, why?" A lone tear escaped her left eye.

While the Queen of Jaipur sighed after listening to her daughter.

From the past one month her life had turned strange!

Her husband,although was recovering well, refused to talk to any one except the Queen mother of Jaipur, her son was not home from the past 1 month along with Shakti and her daughter she seemed indifferent these days.

She was not talking to anyone either was just lost in her own thoughts or was constantly crying for her Dada!

Her own condition was no less, it felt like her Laddu Gopal was angry with her family.

As she was about to console her daughter she saw her husband come towards the dinning room with the help of a guard and her mother in law was accompanying him. Where both mother daughter duo were already present.

"Because he knew he is not the right choice for my daughter." The king of Jaipur said in a firm voice.

"But he was not even at mistake Baba, he did everything just to protect Rehmaat from that man." Manavi's voice held desperation.

"Ok Let's assume for once that whatever Shivansh did, he did it to save Rehmat.

But he could have done this even after telling Rahmat.

If not in front of everyone then atleast could have given her assurance when she was alone. To protect her physically he decided to break her mentally. Hence he deserves the punishment." Rana Sa said in a firm tone.

"You are right Baba Sa, I deserve the punishment. That's why I gave you the toughest promise of my life.

And you know that right that it was Dada Hukum who taught me to never break my promise, even if it costs my life." Shivansh Singh Raghuvanshi's voice thundered through the room.

The family members felt a relief washing through them, as they took in their beloved Crown prince's appearance after days.

But before anyone could say anything, Shivansh again started talking.

"And you know why this is the best punishment for me, Because in this month I realised that I don't like Rehmaat!

Instead I love her.

Shivansh Singh Raghuvanshi loves Rehmaat with everything he has.

And will continue to love her till forever.

I will not give up on her Even after giving up on my life." The sincerity in his voice spoke volumes.

His eyes were burning with a new emotion today. An emotion that made Rana Sa's eyes soft too.

"And another thing Baba Sa, if Dada Sa has taught me how to keep my promise's than trust me he had taught me how to find loopholes in these promises too.

Even though I am a Raghuvanshi who carries the motto of 'Give up on your life but not your promise'.

I was trained to handle the cruel ways of this Kaliyug. I have promised you Baba to not go after her now, to not try to meet her now.

But once she comes infront of me, trust me no one will be able to take her away from me." He took a pause before continuing.

"And I Have trust in my Mahakaal, he will make us meet again. He loves his Gauri too much that even he can't stay away from her.

Than how can he let his devotee stay away from his love for long.

Even if I have to wait for days, months, years, hell even births I will wait.

Because one day my love will win, my devotion will win as I have devoted my life towards her love now.

I know it's hard to believe that Shivansh Singh Raghuvanshi is talking like this but this is the truth, I love her and her alone.

And I have to stay hopeful for this love of mine." A peaceful smile was adoring his face.

While Rana Sa along with other members of the family had tears in their eyes.

"And by the way even though you have recovered I have still not forgiven you Baba Sa, for hiding that truth from me." Shivansh muttered audible enough.

While it clicked to the other family members that the reason behind the cold war between the father and son was none other than the secret, of Veda being innocent.

"You sound nothing like the S.S.R. , or like the ansh that grew infront of our eyes." Rana Sa muttered surprised.

"Because the man infront of you is not S.S.R. or Ansh. The man infront of you is Shiv.

Rehmaat's Shiv." He said with a smile on his face.

While the other Raghuvanshi's were surprised and shocked.

#Rehansh Forever 💕💕💕

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