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Hola everyone... Hey guys so how are you all doing ha???... I hope you all are fit, fine, healthy, most importantly happy & doing really very great... Well same goes with me... So after all greetings of mine let's come to the most favourite work of ours for which we all are here for which is reading today's brand new first chapter of the story which is not the chapter... Wait wait don't need to be confused... ya ya it is a chapter ofcourse but still not a chapter .. i mean its chapter of prologues... As before starting the story i thought to give you some good prologues to boost your intrest to read the story... So as I said guys before starting the story here i am with the exciting, minblowing, crazy yet intresting chapter of prologues of my oops I mean are very own & newly created story SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE... Which will carry the glimpse of future chapters in it giving you the idea of story which will just make you attached with the story if i say more truthfully then just obsessed with the story & eager for the future chapters... So as I don't have much to blabber out today straight coming to the point & work oops I mean purpose you are here for Let's start reading with the prologues of ( your going to be very favorite story ) SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE named HER PHOBIA... SO HERE WE GO....

"Bhulake Sab Tune Yaad Dilaya Bhool Gaya Tha Jeena Sikhaaya"


Note : This following line from the epilogues are not the exact lines from the future chapters but just written on the planned plots for future chapters of story...



His hands were handcuffed... It was since month he was in this hell... They are stupid if they thinks this stupid silver hand cuffs can hold him... But what they don't know is nothing can hold him back... If he want he can break this hand cuffs of silver like noodles... still here he is standing in handcuffed like a norml human which he isnt & they know it too... For what, only for her... Its been centuries he is waiting for her & after so much serching of hers & his yearning for her love for the centuries as if hearing his prayers finally he got clues of her... When with a sudden whiff of air he caught her faint yet heavenly scent which was disappearing slowly... The scenet which was the most beautiful, intoxic, addictive & heart warming which he had ever inhale... The enchanting scent of white roses & sweet honey which was driving him crazy... Making his stone heart which he didn't even knew exist till now, started beatinh in the speed of 1000 km per hour which he didn't knew is even possible.... Which proved him it's truely her... Only her... After inhaling the enchanting heavenly beutiful mouth watering scent he knew she exists... She is alive... She is here... Near him... That's what's making him extremely happy, crazy & mostly feel alive.... He was on cloud nine knowing, after living alone for the centuries finally he had someone to love with his whole heart, to cherish with his all mighty, to care more than this whole world, to look at with lovable gaze & adore his whole life & to protect his whole life with his own life, to hold in his arms near his heart... He knew his wait for centuries has finally ended... Finally the curse has ended... Finally the moon goddess from hevwen heared his prayers, cries & blessed him with the love of his life for which he craved his whole life... For centuries... Finally his wait is over... She is here... Decended from heaven for him... Born on this earth for him... waiting for him to mark her as his... He was happy thinking, finally he is able to get her... Get what truely belongs to him & only him... & Thats her... Not able to hold his inner self after knowing she is here... near by... so close to him... Near his heart, he growled maniacingly & without westing time he broke the silver cuffs holding him back from reaching & ran in her direction dashing the all 10 guards... Following her fainting smell but suddenly he lost the tracks of her... That's ehen more guards came & held her captive while he smiled stupidifiedly murmuring...

SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE!!! ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now