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The drive was silent, Raven dropped Autumn home and continued the drive to mine. Neither of us uttered a word to each other on the way there. She was upset and it was radiating off her. My house emerged in the distance, and I mentally sighed today just had to end like this. My eyes opened as I felt her hand on my thigh. " You okay?" she asked, her voice a bit raspy. " I'm fine" I answered she glanced my way and sighed driving past my stop. "Was that them?" she asked with her hands on the wheel now. I nodded and another awkward silence filled the car. " Raven, where are we going?". She smiled, " it's a surprise darling."

After a while she stopped in front of a newly built house that looked like a small mansion. " What are we doing here..". "Well take a wild guest" she responds. "Um...I don't know a new pack house?" The house was big enough for it, she laughed and shook her head. "What?" I asked unamused, she turned to me and smiled. "Wanna guess again?" she said. "Why are we here?" I said annoyed. She started laughing to my annoyance. " My house, wait...no, our future home at least" she answered me. My eyes widened in shock, that huge newly built house is....ours. "You're joking.....right" I chuckled nervously, "Nope, want to come see inside and check it out" she asked me and I nodded excitedly getting out of the car with her.

I thought the outside was huge, the inside was nothing compared to it. "Are you sure you're not kidding because if you are it's not funny" I said in all seriousness. "Baby I'm not joking, I'm serious" she said pulling me in by my waist. "Dad insisted a while back to build a personal home for my mate and I but I admit he did make it a tad too big" she chuckled. "But why though" her eyes met mine, "well cause he expects grandkids" she whispered in my ear as her hands trailed down my thighs. I pushed her away, my face flushed, she bit her lip backing me against a wall. " I thought you said you needed sleep" I uttered as she was hovering over me. " Did I? I don't recall" she replied with our lips inches away from each other, I found myself leaning in.


Grace was trapped between me and a wall, having been in this situation before. Our lips mere inches apart and she was leaning in. Without a second thought I devoured her lips and a soft moan slipped through. It was short lived when my phone started to buzz in my pocket but I chose to ignore it. " Babe...your...p~phone...." she spoke through the kiss. "Ignore it..." I muttered but she pulled away. "Answer it" she said sternly and I complied. "Hello" I answered annoyed, not bothering to check the number. " Raven, can you kindly bring my daughter home, and keep your dick in your pants before I cut it off," her mother said in a calm, collected tone. I was surprised to say the least. 

I swallowed hard. Seriously, this woman scares me. " Y~yes ma'am" I answered.

" What happened, are you okay?" Grace probably the face I just made " um....I wanna keep my kids so I got to drop you home." She raised her brow " she scolded you again didn't she" she smiled. "Yes and this time I'm not taking any chances this time let's go princess" I picked her up throwing her over my shoulder. "Hey put me down, I can walk, woman" she laughed. "nope" I stated putting her in the passenger seat. I drove to her house and her mother was waiting by the door. I smiled sheepishly, waving at her which she returned. I grabbed her shopping bags out of the backseat and carried them to her room. "Thank you love" she smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you monday?" , "you bet".

I walked downstairs to leave but her mom stopped me for a minute. " Here dear, take some of these for your trouble" she handed me a bag of sweet treats, and a plate of food. " Um, Ms.Jackson, thank you but I can't take these..." I told her. " No, I insist, my apologies for what I said earlier," she smiled. " oh....um well thank you have a nice weekend" she nodded and I left for home.


Emma and I are in my office sorting out the alliance papers between our packs. It was nice to finally spend some time with each other without my human work getting in the way. She told me how she got to from the pack quite interesting.Ryder really wants to make amends for what he did, for the past few weeks it's been mending between them. For the most it is nice to see our family come back together again. Raven came into my office and jumped on the couch face first. "Had a long day dear" I asked as she groaned. " Give me at least thirty minutes" she mumbled before falling asleep. "Not the most comfortable place to sleep" Emma said I chuckled and shrugged. "It is the usual for her".



I woke up to something heavy on my back. " oh.....you're awake" I heard my sister say. "Emma get off me" I groaned. She laughed and moved onto the chair arm. " How long was I out?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. " Well long enough for dinner. It's a quarter past nine anyway" she answered. " Damn I've been asleep that long, I'll be down in a few then". " I'll be waiting then, dinners at the pack house so get a quick shower" she answered, closing the book she was reading. " The pack house, why what's the special occasion?" I asked her to turn to me with a smile.

"It's the yearly pack run next week. I wouldn’t blame you if you forgot, I know you have other things to worry about" she continued. I sighed and went to get a quick shower and head off for dinner. 

"Do I really have to be present for this" I asked. " Not really but mom and dad said to bring you anyways" she shrugged. " I thought you'd be there with Jordon" I smiled but it dropped when her hand connected with the back of my head. "My darling little sister don't, don't make me kick you where it hurts" she warned me. What is with everyone threatening to kick me in the balls? In the packhouse we arrived at, everyone was there seated at the table eating, their attention turned to us. " I brought her," she announced, sitting with our parents at the head of the table. Dad gestured for me to come over. I sat next to him and he smiled. "Raven I do think you know why this dinner was called into play don't you" he questioned me, I nodded and his smile grew wider another member handed me a plate of food steak to be and I thanked her.

Dad raised his glass of something in the air and tapped the side of it with his fork catching everyone's attention. "I'd like to say a few things before this dinner is dismissed. It was a pleasure serving you as your Alpha for these past years you guys have been nothing like family to me. And wonderful guardians to my kids" he stated what was he saying is he? "Therefore following the annual run I'll be stepping down." Everyone at the table started to mutter and whisper while my mom and Emma just smiled. I waited for him to continue.

He gestured to me to stand with him. " Raven is the one you're going to take orders from, from that day on, but due to some circumstances most orders will be directed through Emma" he said before sitting down. So father he's stepping down already I'll be alpha soon.

After dinner I walked upstairs to dads office. Any member that passed me either gave me a fist bump, a high five or just a sincere bow. It was quite a confidence boost, Dawn was in there with him and mom. "Ah my...Raven you've grown so quickly " he smiled pulling me into a hug. " Yeah I guess I have" I answered pulling away. " Sorry to drop this on you so soon honey" my mom spoke up. "We just feel like it was the right time since your graduation is in a few weeks after your match" she continued.

"It's fine mom dad what else did you want to talk about" , " Well along with us Dawn will be stepping down with, so you'll have to choose your beta, and as for Grace we'd like her to finish school before she could take on her role. The stress would be too much for her." I nodded and from that night on they began preparing me.



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