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Word Count: 1396


I stare at the Noble, a chill racing down my spine, and not just because of the bitter air the open door it letting in.

"Where is my friend?" I ask slowly.

If he is taken her to manipulate me...my priorities will have to change.

"Right here. She is how I found you." He grabs to the left of him, tugging my friend over into view. Her gaze is trained down at her feet, the pained look on her face suggesting she has done this terrible thing.


She looks up suddenly, anger flaring in her eyes. "I'm sorry Tove, but I'm not going to let a Demon hurt you because of me."

"So you told a Noble where I was?" I can hardly believe it. I'm not even sure how she managed to pull it off, but I suppose it makes sense why she was so eager to head toward the main village.

Mary's expression breaks. I've hurt her, and now she's hurt me. But this doesn't feel even...

Because she has knowingly signed her own death sentence.

"I had to. I wasn't going to let you make a deal with a Demon to save my life," she insists. Dax nods along with her, looking at me as if I'm insane for what position I've put myself into.

Maybe I am, but what other choice do I have.

Slowly, I start backing away, the uneven floor creaking beneath me. "I'm not going with you."

There is no hint of amusement in Dax's eyes as he strides into the house. Instead, there's just determination, and now amount of me scrambling away is going to get me out of this.

"I'm afraid I'm not asking anymore, Tove," he mutters.

"You really expect me to willingly agree to be locked up for what could be the rest of my life?" I snap, keeping my eyes on his bare hands, knowing he could take me anywhere he pleases the moment he touches me.

I could transport myself away...I could escape. I doubt Dax knows much about my powers, but I can't just leave Mary here with him.

I need to know she is safe.

"It won't be the rest of your life. Just until we get Keo in custody," he assures me. I can't tell if he's trying to be kind because he means it, or because it's the only way he knows how to lie.

"You've been chasing him for decades. What makes you think you'll catch him now?" I'm almost yelling at this point.

Dax frowns, still advancing on, although slowly, as if not to scare me into running before he can get his hands on me.

He looks over me. "We will have something he wants."

"He doesn't want me." Even as I say that, I know I'm wrong. Keo has gone as far to strike a deal with me in order to use my magic for whatever he needs.

"I disagree," he breathes.

"I'm not going with you."

Turning swiftly, I make toward the bedroom. Dax follows me, but I'm far quicker than him, as throw the window open and dive out into the snow.

The impact strikes my shoulder, snow scattering all about as I scramble up. Looking back, Dax is cursing under his breath, but before he can transport himself out to me, I transport myself as far away as I can manage.

My feet hit hard ground as I slam forward into a wall.

"Ow," I mutter, rubbing my jaw and I pull back, looking around me.

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