Chapter 10: Jet Ride

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"There's lots of leftovers that you can reheat. Make sure Dash does his homework. And both of you, get to bed on time." Helen told Vince while (Y/n) stood behind him.

"(Y/n) sweetie, you are welcome to stay over of course, provided it's alright with your parents. I should be back tonight. Late. You can be in charge that long, can't you?"

"Yeah. But why am I in charge again?" Vince asked.

"Nothing. Just a little trouble with Daddy."

"You mean, Dad's in trouble, or Dad is the trouble?"

"I mean, either he's in trouble, or he's going to be." Helen grimaced as she entered her bedroom and closed the door behind her.


Helen placed a duffel bag on the bed that also had the four super-suit outfits on it. She looked at them all and sighed.

"Hey, what is that? Where's you get that Mom?" Dash asked, as he stood in the doorway.

Helen extended her arm and shut the door, but Dash ran outside and looked into the window.

"You made a cool outfit? Hey, are those for us? We all get cool outfits?" Helen shut the blinds, but Dash ran back into the room and snatched his suit.

"Dash you come back here this moment!" Helen demanded, just as the phone rang.

She picks it up and answered it. "Hey, Snug. Thank for getting back. Listen, I know this is short notice, but I was hoping that I could..."

Helen looked over and noticed Vince holding up his suit, while (Y/n) looked over me at hers with much interest.

"What are these?" He asked.

Dash ran back in the room wearing his outfit. "Look, I'm The Dash! The Dash likes."

"Just a second. Take that off before somebody sees." Helen snatched Vince's suit and picked up (Y/n)'s.

"But you're packing one just like it." Vince pointed out. "Are you hiding something?"

"Oh, please, honey. I'm on the phone..."

Suddenly, Dash snatched the outfits from Helen and held them out to the two teenagers.

"These are yours. They're specially made."

"What's going on?" (Y/n) asked.

Helen grabbed their shoulders and pushed them all out of the room. "You're not coming! I gotta pack!"


"What makes you think it's special?" Vince asked.

"I don't know. Why'd mom try to hide it?" Dash retorted, before speeding off.

Vince made his hand invisible and touched the suit which also turned invisible.

"Woah, that's amazing!" (Y/n) commented. Vince looked back at his mothers bedroom door suspiciously.


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