Chapter 7: The New Mr. Incredible

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Bob came home and immediately kissed Helen who was watering the plants.


Vince and (Y/n) were sitting next to each other looking at magazines and listening to music. Bob snuck up behind them and wrapped them in a hug and (Y/n) and Vince were squished up against each other. Vince and (Y/n) both blushed at the fact that (Y/n)'s face was in Vince's neck.


Bob even spent some time playing cars with Dash and kissed Jack-Jack on the cheek.


The next day, Bob drove off to work in his tiny blue car and came back with a newer sportier car. He even got an extra one for Helen too.


Bob was walking past Helen who was carrying laundry and he reached behind her and pinched her butt. She retaliated by extending her arm and pinched his as well.


Bob spent time feeding Jack-Jack and making funny faces, he threw the ball around with Dash, and even taught (Y/n) some self defense techniques. He even started getting back in shape.


He pulled and lifting entire train cars, measured his midsection, reading fitness magazines, until he was finally at the weight and size that he wanted to be.


Bob was looking at his old suit when he noticed the tear from the robot fight.

"Ah, jeez." He groaned.

"Hurry honey! Or you'll be late for work." Helen called.


Bob opened the front door and Helen came up behind him.

"Have a great day, honey. Help customers, climb ladders..."

"Bring bacon." Bob added.

"All that jazz."

The two shared a kiss and Bob left the house.


Instead of going to work, however, Bob pulled up the gate of a large expensive house.

"Do you have an appointment?" A man on a screen asked.

"I'm an old friend. I just wanted to..."

"All visitors are required..."

The man was cut off by a small woman with short black hair and glasses hitting him with a newspaper.

"Go check the electric fence or something!" She barked.

"What is it? Who are you? What do you want?"

Bob pulled down his sunglasses to reveal his face.

"My God, you've gotten fat. Come in. Come, come."

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