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Hannah, you are such an angel.

Even if you don't use much makeup to my face, I still look amazing with just your touch.

Leah [ to me] "It's not me or my touch. It's just, you are amazingly beautiful".


she said that she had to leave because her sister is with her neighbour.

So, she has to leave before her parents return home.

She told me that she is leaving.

I told, Leah you are the best girlfriend I ever had.

I know, not many people like being with me but thank you so much for staying with me, now hurry up, get back soon before your parents get home.

Leah to me, okay bye and tell me how it goes, Okay.

It's ok even if you tell me in the college because I know you will be tired so much. [smirky smile]

I told her just go. (blush)

Leah left.

[Me] so excited, Jumping and running up to my room, (singing) ye...ah... ye...ah... who's going to a... romantic date? It's me, it's me......, who's got a perfect makeup... it's me...it's me... opened my wardrobe,

What should I wear?

Hnm... let me see what I got the best.

Anyways I'm not so picky when it comes to dressing but I really want to look so amazingly stunning in the eyes of James today.

Looked at the clock.

Oh my God it is 6.30 already.

Yeah, got my dress for tonight.

Let's go with a long black turtle neck t-shirt, black jeans, black leather jacket and a scarf around my neck and my white Adidas shoes to go with it.

Uh... (leaving a long breath)

I don't know why am I so nervous.

I heard a knock on the door.

It is my mom.

My mom on seeing me told "Finally, somebody's got a date huh".

I just smiled and told, yeah hope it goes well.

My mom to me, don't worry you will be fine. Just have fun okay.

Then the doorbell rang.

Mom to me, guess your date is here, you want me to get the door?

I told, no mom it's fine I'll get it, love you, bye.

Before opening the door.

I just let out my long hard breath, rubbed the sweat from my hands and finally opened the door.


It's James standing in front of me.

He wore a white turtle neck t-shirt, a cream pant and a long black jacket and he also has a bouquet of red roses in his hand and his smile just made it more magical.

I don't know how he felt when he saw me but the guy in front of me, really made my heart skip a beat.

Guess my first date is going to be the best moment of my life.

James to me, Hannah, you look so beautiful.

I wish I could watch you like this all the time. I love your smile; those eyes are just killing me from inside [with a smile].

James, don't do this to me please, don't make my heart flutter(thought)

I just put my head down blushing.

Guess he understood that I am blushing, so to cover it up.

He told, "Hannah these are for you."

(After a pause)

So let's start with our day one of our dating?

I said, Let's do this(blush)


To tell frankly, I don't want to go in a car because I don't know how others feel but I feel like it is boring because I have to look in the front.

I wouldn't be able to look at his charming face.

I really wish, if I could go on a bicycle.

I know it is odd but at least I get to sit behind him and enjoy my ride hugging him.

Then James then turned back and gave a smile.

I don't know what for but I know something is going on.

For my surprise James got a bicycle in front of me.

I am on shock right now!

Then James told me "I know you love bicycle rides and I also know that you love it even more when the person you love takes you for a ride".

I asked him, "how do you know all these?"

Did Leah tell you this because only Leah knows about it.

Anyways thank you so much James.

James to me, hop on.

[me to James] I am so excited for this ride James.

Fast let's go.

We started.

As I wanted, I am sitting behind him, I wanted to hug him but I am so, nervous to do that.

As I am thinking this James held my hand and put it around his waist.

I just looked at his face.

Then he asked me, "you like it this way?"

I just put my head down and smiled and nodded my head.

I can feel my heart beating very fast.

Then James spoke out, "I actually love this idea of yours about the first date ride, I really want to do this every day".

As we went on talking things, He stopped and told me to get down.

It is the millennium park.

Even though I live around here, even though I know how this place is. I felt this moment, me being with him made it very different, it is more like a warm feeling filled with excitement.

Actually, I don't even know how to express it.

Looking at the huge sparkling Christmas tree, the lights, carol songs playing and James looking at me as we were holding hands, I could say nothing feels more magical than this for me.

I really wish time to stop at this moment.

Then James told me to go with him, and I went along with him.

Then he asked me to stay on the bridge.

As I am looking at people around and listening to the music.

James then took me down the bridge, took me near the ice rink and told me to put on skates.

I just didn't know what to do.

So, I told, "James I don't know to skate, I am so scared".

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