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All night I tried to sleep but I can't help thinking about him.

I don't feel like to eat or sleep.

I tried watching funny videos but even those funny videos made me cry.


Why am I not able to control myself?

I shouldn't think about him.

The next day.

I didn't want to go to college today.

I'm taking leave for two days.

I even searched in google about how to forget someone?

How to hate someone?

But all of these were waste.

I switched off my mobile phone.

Leah came the following day.

Seeing her I can tell how angry she is at me.

She is about to throw a tantrum on me but seeing the way I am she just hugged me tightly and told, you are much better than this.

Don't worry, you will be alright.

She cleaned my room, ordered my favorite Chicago Deep Dish Pizza.

After we finished eating, she asked me to go somewhere with her.

At first, I didn't want to go but I went.

She took me to Ford City Mall.

The mall is filled with these Christmas trees and all these decorators in the mall.

Seeing these I thought, every time Christmas brings happiness to me but guess not this time.

Then we stopped near the Gumball Factory [ gumballs stored in a circle- glass containers].

While we were getting these.

We saw James and Emma together.

Emma is holding few shopping bags and also James has few.

I wonder what they were doing here?

Then Emma waved "HI!" to us.

I and Leah starred at each other.

We gave a not so satisfying smile to them.

Emma asked us, what are you guys doing here?

Are you both shopping for James's home party?

If you are, then let's shop together.

I starred at Leah, for not letting me know about this whole shopping thing for James's party.

I was about to leave but Leah insisted me to stay.

As we were fighting whether to stay or leave.

Emma asked me, Hannah why were you absent to the college past two days?

I thought in my mind "As if you cared?

Guess you wished that I was absent for a next whole week too.''

I replied, something urgent came up that's why.

She is picking out tuxedos for James.

Seeing this I told Leah, I'm out of this place, come with me if you want me to still be friends with you.


I didn't even speak a word to Leah because I am so angry.

We reached home, I threw the stuff I was holding in my hands on the bed and sat on the bed.

Leah put her face as if she is a lost puppy wanting to be rescued.

Even though I am angry at her I forgave her.

With anger face I asked her, why did you do this to me Leah?

Did you want me to suffer more? [tears rolling].

Leah came close to me and said screaming, NO!.

why would I do that to you.

You think I will?

Then you are wrong Hannah.

I asked, then why?

She replied, tell me why do you think that you are not worth of being loved?

Tell me why do you think that guys won't fall for you?

Tell me?

I looked at the sudden change of Leah expression as she was asking me this.

I am scared looking at Leah's face right now.

She told, Hannah let's go to the party and show them what you have got.

Let's show them that you are not a troll.

Let's make James regret for avoiding you.

This made us laugh, I became so excited to see that regret on James's face.

The dress Leah chose for me.

Oh my god!

The dress, I just love it.

Looking at each other with a smirk and yelling "IT'S SHOW TIME, LET'S MAKE SOMEONE JEALOUS''.

We got ready, Leah straightened my hair, and I put lens.

we were so stunning.

My dress is blue vintage high -low; floral sheer boat neck with off shoulder, plain blue high heels, white and vintage blue tear drop designed earrings, and vintage blue lace handbag.

And for Leah's dress it's a black off shoulder; high-low cocktail dress with a flower print on the left side, black and white floral printed side bag, earrings are black ethereal vine like designed and for the heels she got black suede ankle strap heels.

Me and Leah holding hands; off to go.

Seth arrived to pick us up.

While we were getting into the car, Seth looked at me and told let's get your guy.

I just nodded.

We reached James's house.

It is so crowded.

I am searching for James.

The house is huge with a garden outside.

The moment I entered, Everybody started staring at me.

My palms started sweating so badly because of the nervousness I am having.

But still, I didn't bother to care about these people around me.

I am only looking for James.

I then saw James sitting on a sofa with Emma and others having drinks.

We kept looking at each other.

There is this staring contest going on between us.

Then from nowhere this Edward guy popped up.

I smiled at Edward and started talking to him, but after I smiled at Edward, I looked to the side where James was sitting but I couldn't find him.

So, I asked Chloe [ Emma's friend] where is James?

She replied, they went to the garden.

I asked, they? [ surprised].

I ran to look out for them.

This scene in front of my eyes is not the scene I have pictured before I came here.

I am standing still, as if I am frozen from top to bottom.

James and Emma are kissing each other?

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