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Leo's pov

Everyone was ready, I looked to my left and there stood Simon, Katia's husband. Then you my right and there stood my wife... Charlene. I have explained the plan with what we'll do and Freda was already on her way to the city doors. She was going to pretend she was tramp or a beggar, she'll make them open the doors and that's when we strike.

"Let's hope she made it inside safely" I heard Charlene say, yes I hope she was okay. This was a very dangerous job and she volunteered to go, I tried to stop her but she insisted, there's a chance she wouldn't make it. The signal was an arrow that she'll lit on fire and launch it at the sky. So everyone was staring intensely at the sky.

It's been half an hour and we were getting inpatient and worried. Simon decided to speak,

"Are you sure, that scum is on our side?" He said in disgust, I looked at him confused.

"First of all who are you calling a scum?!" Charlene defended Freda, I looked between Charlene and Simon and they were glaring at each other.

"That woman tried to sleep with my wife!" He whispered yelled making me sigh, of course Freda would try that, she couldn't keep it in her pants.

"She's lucky Katia stopped me before I sliced her throat" he said arrogantly, I'm pretty sure he couldn't do that because Freda was much faster and she'd have her dagger pierced between his eyes before he could pull his sword but that's not my point. I was about to shut him up but the sky was finally lit by a flaming arrow, I smirked and pulled my sword.

We stormed towards the city, the doors were wide open and I couldn't help but push my horse into his top speed, the enemies were caught off guard when our army pushed through their gates slashing anything that moves, except villagers but those who had an armor they were dead before they could react.

Killing gives me this rush that I always enjoyed watching my enemies squirm in fear. I swung my sword slicing this guard's stomach, then to the next. The guards started rushing more towards us trying to help each other but it was too late my archers were already up the city walls and ready to strike. I watched as the arrows rained on the enemies one by one, I looked around for Charlene and she was breathing heavily while looking around at the dead bodies. I never thought this was going to be this easy, she jumped off her horse and rushed towards a kid who was hiding under a carriage, and help him go somewhere safe.

"There's no one inside the castle, they all ran to the other side of the city" Simon said, he had blood all over his gray armor. I nodded and told him we should push them while they're still weak, he agreed and went to tell our soldiers.

"Do you see Freda anywhere?" I heard Charlene say while she pulled her horse towards me then mounting it, I shook my head no and started heading towards the other side of the city with the army following behind me. My men opened the second gates and everyone got out ready for whatever was waiting for us.

Frederick was wearing a golden armor and standing in the middle of his men, wow still a coward hiding behind walls of men while wearing a golden armor. I'll make sure to take that armor and make a sword with the material, just for the fun of it.

I looked behind me and my men were taking their places, the cavalier in the first rows, the marchers, then the archers.

Frederick disappeared between his men as they started launching toward us.

"Archers!" I yelled, as my men got in position, I watched as the enemies got closer and closer. I gave my archers the signal and they released their arrows, I watched as Frederick's men started falling to the ground as if they were hit by the plague.

At Simon's signal our cavaliers attacked and so did our marchers, I looked at Charlene who had a dedicated look.

"You ready my love?" I said getting closer to her, she seemed nervous but I knew she was ready. She nodded her head and I leaned to give a reassuring kiss.

"Pretend they're me on the first day we met" I said with a chuckle,

"Whoever gets more kills wins!" She yelled and took off making me shake my head and follow after her, the battle began and blood, bodies and horses coated the field. I was hitting, slicing and kicking anyone in front of me. I caught a glimpse of Frederick's shiny armor and I launched towards him, unfortunately someone had arrowed my horse and made me fall to the ground. I groaned and quickly got up grabbing my sword, a guy rushed towards me and tried swinging his sword to my head but I quickly dodged it and grabbed on my sword with both hands hitting his side making him fall on his knees then I moved the sharp mental fast toward his neck decapitating him instantly.

Before I could make a step forward something hit me on my helmet hard making me lose balance and fall on the muddy ground. The ringing in my ears and the pain from my head was unbearable, I held into the helmet and yanked it off of my head. Some liquid was sliding down my forehead and into my eyes making hard for me to see. A loud scream coming from my right side had caught my attention and I saw a man about to hit me in the head with his sword and I closed my eyes ready for it since I won't have enough time go grab my weapon and block it. Then the screaming was replaced by silence I opened my eyes and the guy had an arrow pierced right in his eye.

I looked behind me and Freda had a smirk on her face, I laughed and quickly got up looking for my sword.

"Bullseye" she said loudly, she gave me her hand and pulled me on the horse, I sat in front of her so she can aim and I guide the animal.

"Get me close enough to Frederick" she yelled, we went passed waves of men and loud metal colliding with each other until we saw Frederick still hiding inside his circle.

"Steady...steady..." I heard her whisper, just as he looked up she released her arrow. He was able to move but she did hit him in the shoulder. A golden armor but not so strong, Frederick broke the arrow and pointed towards us. His men were now protecting him instead of fighting us.

Freda was killing them one by one until Frederick felt threatened and started backing away, one more chance to get him.

I got her closer to Frederick and she was ready to release her arrow but she was taking forever this time, I looked at her confused and she was staring at something, to my side I noticed Simon in a horrible condition and most likely about to get stabbed.

"You have to make the decision now! Either save Simon or kill Frederick! Freda" she took a deep breath then let go of the string, I watched as the arrow pierced through his chest as he dropped to the ground.

"Shit..." I said as I watched Frederick get away, in a blink of an eye someone passed by me like thunder on their horse, following after Frederick. Charlene was trying to catch up to him.

"Get off!" I yelled at Freda making her jump off of the horse and I followed after Charlene, damn that horse was fast and I had to keep up. One of Frederick's men was readying his bow to release at Charlene but she wasn't paying attention.


That was intense, well... cliffhanger hehe.

I love you...


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