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Charlene's pov

It was first day of fighting the queen's men, I got ready putting on my leather armor and pulled my hair in a bun to keep it out of the way. I was about to leave to room when someone knocked, I opened the door to find Lupus waiting for me with a smile on his face.

"Your highness" he bowed, I was about to walk past him like I always do but this time he stepped in front of me making me look at him confused.

"May I come in?" He asked, I stared at him for a second before letting him inside my room. I closed the door and folded my arms in front waiting for him to speak.

"I'm here to help you" he started, help me? I don't think I need any help, he sat confidently on one of the chairs and smiled.

"Help me with what?" I asked curiously,

"I'll tell you everything I know about the men you'll be fighting." He said with a smirk, I raised my eyebrows at him thinking about it for a moment. Why would he help me? Isn't he on his queen's side?

"Why would I trust you Lupus?" He stood up and walked uncomfortably close to me. I took a step back and put a distance between us.

"Because, I am your only hope to leave this place." He whispered, his hand touched the laces that tied my leather armor and smirked.

"And why do you want me to leave?" I asked curiously, why would he betray his queen for a princess he doesn't even know.

"Since you got here she's been giving you attention more than I expected. I want her to myself..." He stated rolling his eyes, mine widened in surprise when I realized what he said, he liked her.

"I want the throne to myself..." He mumbled, he didn't actually like her. He just wanted her throne and her power, I smiled and I gave him my hand to shake.

"You'll get your throne and I'll go back to my kingdom" I said shaking his hand in agreement, he bowed with a smirk and opened the door for me to go to the field.

"You'll be fighting Ramez, he's a short guy. Very fast but you could easily win if you have fast reflexes, aim for the right side because he uses his left arm to hold the sword" Lupus explained as we walked through the doors to where the queen was waiting next to her men. I saw the guy who Lupus was talking about getting ready.

"What took you so long Lupus?" The queen asked, he bowed and went to sit next to her. My eyes caught hers and she nodded as if she was greeting me but I just turned my face to the other side.

"This is Ramez, your opponent" she said shortly, the guy looked very young. I smiled at him and he did the same. I grabbed a sword and warmed up getting ready.

"No killing and no fatal hits, first one to fall on the ground and drop their sword wins. Fight!" The queen said and with that started, he was strong and fast just like Lupus said. His left arm was swinging left to right but I blocked every hit with no trouble. I noticed that before he swings he takes a step forward so I waited until he went forward and I kicked his front leg making him lose balance and he fell down throwing his sword. I pointed my sword to his neck with a smirk. Easy...

"The princess wins!" The queen says drinking from the cup she had in her hand, her men started cheering and whistling. I threw my sword and made sure to catch her eyes, she took a sip still staring at me. She winked at me and that caught me by surprise, I didn't know why my cheeks felt warm all of a sudden. I huffed and started walking back inside the castle.

I felt a hand grab my arm and push gently against the wall, my breath caught in my throat as the queen leaned closer. She smelled of alcohol and I tried to push her away but she was too strong. She put her face on my neck and let her bottom lip trace it.

"You smell... delicious" she whispered against my skin, my body was getting warm with how close we were to each other. I put my hands on her chest and pushed her away, she pulled away but our faces were very close. Her hand grabbed mine and my heart wouldn't find its right and steady rythme.

"You're drunk" I whispered, not once did she break the eye contact. She blinked a couple of times and pulled away, she rubbed her forehead with the hand that was holding mine and looked away.

"I- I'm sorry..." She took a step back and started walking away, she left me confused. I didn't know what just happened, why was she soft all of a sudden. I didn't understand why everytime she was so close my body shivers, was it her intimating height or her masculin scent or her sharp features. I finally found my breath and my lungs finally had air blown into them, I didn't even realize I was holding my breath.

I laid on my bed after a long bath, my hair was still wet but I just wanted to lay down because the thoughts running in my head were making dizzy. It's going to take me a month to reach the day when I'm gonna fight her...

I wonder what made her spare my life, she could easily kill me any day as if I was just another servant of hers but she decided to keep me here, alive. And she made a deal with me, promising me a safe passage back to my kingdom where I'll never see her again. She's so confusing....



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