Sex Machine

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"Happy birthday, Genesis!" A familiar voice caused a young woman to turn in her seat, pausing momentarily in surprise.

A girl her age grinned at her boldly, her bright neon hair reflecting under the club lights as they danced around the rather large structure.

"Got my girl a little drink," she confessed, holding out a tall, towering glass of alcohol. It was anything but little.

"Wow. Okay, this isn't small at all," Genesis let out a chuckle, taking it anyways as it changed into a multitude of different colors. She managed to swallow a large amount from the rim before a rough nudge sent her into a choking fit. 

"Cerci!" She gasped, coughing uncontrollably until she realized the other woman's eyes were on the stage before them.

"It's happening," Cerci bit her bottom lip, fanning herself as she clasped her hand around Genesis's own.

Genesis herself felt the butterflies in her gut start to manifest. She shakily tucked a long strand of black hair behind her ear, glancing around her nervously.

She sucked being around men, and never had any luck with them. The robots in the male strip club she was at were no different, despite not looking human. They were created like one, but lacked eyes, mouths, noses, etc. You would think she had more confidence, but their sexual nature made her blush and turn into a stuttering mess whenever one got near. There was only one she really wanted to get to know, however, but never got lucky the last couple times. He was the star of the club- going by the name 'Sex Machine'. Everyone who managed to get a glimpse of him and his gyrating hips became crazy about him. Those who were wealthy enough to buy a private dance or 'meeting' from him never came out the same. It was said he was programmed to fulfill the deepest, most dirtiest pleasures and therefore satisfied everyone he came across.

"It's him!" Cerci felt herself grow faint as the club lights began to dim. Other robotic strippers stopped whatever woman or man they were pleasing and invited them to a more private lounge. The stage was set for only one being, and all eyes were on him as the music began to grow louder.

Genesis felt her heart began to beat hard as a robot stepped out from behind a holographic curtain. His curved, sharp fingers pushed it aside, and the sound of passionate cries erupted from a crowd that had quickly formed around the stage.

"Come on let's get closer!" Cerci latched on to her friend's arm, dragging her to where everyone was heading to. Genesis wanted to protest, but the closer she got to Sex Machine the more her tongue got tied.

He was wearing a cropped, tight latex top with pants of the same fabric. Her jaw almost dropped when her eyes scrolled down and noticed the prominent V-line etched into his dark, robotic body.

Genesis couldn't control herself, not with crowd hollering and drooling over Sex Machine. She joined along with them, her hand outstretched at the robot as he glided down a runway towards a holographic stripper pole. It was more comfortable showing one's true feelings in a group, which was why Genesis allowed her emotions to leak out at the moment.

Sex Machine ran a delicate claw over his metallic, chiseled abs. His head turned to examine everyone as they followed his hand like it was a nice, juicy piece of meat. It seductively travelled down to his pants and ultimately lingered over his crotch. He leaned against the pole, rubbing his back against it as he slowly slid down.

Genesis could have sworn his gaze paused on her, and despite him possessing only a helmet-like head with a black reflective screen, she felt the red light burning behind it did a full on scan of her. At least, she secretly wished he did.

Cerci chewed on her lip ferociously, reaching out towards Sex Machine as he dropped to his knees. He slowly spread his thighs apart, allowing an array of hands to touch whatever they wanted.

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