[42] Attitude

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"she is stillness in a world of chaos"

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"she is stillness in a world of chaos"


I check my phone for what seems like the fiftieth time today and I'm disappointed once more. I texted him earlier today and he still hasn't responded. I know that sounds clingy and desperate but I'm just worried. Sterling is basically the world's fastest replier, so long as he's not at hockey practice, but even then he'll usually answer my text.

Every day we text 'good morning', without fail. Then, we let each other know what we're doing that day. It's simple but it keeps us in touch, even on the days we're too busy to see each other in person.

This morning I guess I woke up first, so I texted him. Now it's late in the afternoon and he still hasn't responded.

I know this shouldn't freak me out, but something feels wrong. I usually have a sort of sixth sense about this stuff. When something feels off to me, it always is.

I swear I'm psychic.

It's been about three weeks since Sterling's accident and he's basically back to normal. He had a concussion but the doctors said he'd be pretty much fully recovered by now. Plus, even throughout his recovery, he still texted, so I know it has nothing to do with that.

I try to ignore my lack of a response from Sterling and focus back on my school work. Obviously, that doesn't work, and in about two minutes, I'm back on my phone. This time, to ask one of the guys if they know what's up.

This probably seems like a major case of overreacting, but I don't know, my gut is telling me to just check on him.

"Hey Theo, just wanted to quickly ask if you know how Sterling's doing today." I text the next fastest replier of the group.

"What do you mean?" Is all I get back.

"Well, maybe I'm being totally paranoid but he hasn't texted all day and I just wanted to make sure he's okay."

"He hasn't even texted you good morning?" Theo clearly knows about our daily texts.

"Nope, not one thing."


"Theo? What aren't you telling me?"

"Maybe you should just talk to Sterling." Is his response.

Why is he being so cryptic? Especially considering he couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it.

"Why? What's wrong? Why won't you just tell me?"

"It should come from him, plus, I haven't seen him at all today." He leaves it at that and I'm kind of left with more questions than answers.

While the text exchange with Theo gives me no useful information, I at least know I'm not crazy, and there actually is something wrong.

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