[18] Take a break

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"your words are my life rope"

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"your words are my life rope"


"Ok, Charlie," I speak into my phone. My sister's giggles fill the silence, "I love you and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye!" she squeals into the phone as she hands it over to my dad and I hang up.

I look at my messages and my eyes catch Laney's contact.

I texted her a couple days ago about tutoring today, but she hasn't responded yet.

I'm not even going to lie when I say it has me worried. Not in a clingy way - more like she's the world's fastest responder and this isn't like her.

So I do what any rational yet caring person would do, and I decide to drive to her house.

Not because I want to see her and I miss her company.

No, definitely not.

I just need to keep my tutoring sessions up if I want to keep passing.

Yeah, that's it.

So I get into my car and drive the route I've become rather familiar with the last little while.

I park in her driveway and take the pack of sour patch kids I saved for her.

I knock on the door Aspen answers.

I don't even think she lives with them but she is always over, they all are. I swear the five of them are so inseparable, they have attachment issues. 

"Sterling?" the blonde tilts her head and gives me a confused look.

I clear my throat, not used to interacting with Laney's friends without her, "Um, yeah. Hi."

She chuckles at my awkwardness and moves aside from the doorway, letting me in.


"Sure," she shoots me a small smile, "So, what are you doing here? Do you and Dell have a tutoring session?"

"If you guys do, Delly definitely forgot about it," Harper peeks her head from their couch to join the conversation.

"No actually," I now notice all four of them sprawled out in the living room, yet no Laney, "She wasn't answering her phone so I came to check on her."

The girls share some weird look I have trouble reading and I can't help but nervously dart my eyes around the room, avoiding their intimidating eye contact like a cat watching a laser.

Beth speaks up, "She's upstairs, first door on your left."

I nod my head in acknowledgement and appreciation and walk up the stairs.

I knock on her door and notice the sign hanging that reads 'Delaney's room' with little drawings of flowers dotted across it.

"Go away, Jemma" her seemingly frustrated voice almost startles me.

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